Cranky Beardie

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Not so new Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Hi everyone,

I have had a beardie for a little while now and he has been as happy as can be. He normally lets me hold him but lately he has been cranky. He'll try bite me, even when I'm feeding him. He'll open his mouth, puff his chin and slightly shake it. As this is my first beardie I'm don't know too much about typical beardie behavour. I know of many people that have friendly beardies, but I'm not sure whats gone wrong.

A few weeks ago I moved him into a bigger tank and I think maybe he's stressing out. I will was thinking of moving him back to see if that is the problem. The only other thing I can think of as a cause for the behavour change, is other people. I live in a fairly full house and while I'm at work I can't be certain if he is getting "picked on" (so to speak).

He also won't eat infront of me anymore, so I'm giving him freshly dead crickets as by the time he goes to eat all the crickets are hiding (under the fake grass). I think temps are good. I have a UV tube and a heat light, same ones I got when I got him and he was happy for weeks.

Anyone else have any ideas?

oops, I created this thread in the wrong place. still new to APS. sorry.
I've been reading some past threads on APS and other sites about people with simular situations, and one person said "glove up and hold him". Should I "glove up" for maybe 10 -15 mins a day til he claims down or should I not force him.

Please help.
i would say its stress. my bf's beardies are so chilled inside and one freaks out when ever it is outside and some times out of its cage. i would say its stress..... maybe make sure it has plenty of private places and hides so that it feels secure.
You said you can't be certain if he's being picked on when you're not there so I would be moving him into your bedroom so that he has peace and quiet. My guess is that he's stressed - either from being moved to a new enclosure or because your house is too noisy and busy.
He is in my bedroom but I can't lock my door. I've spoken to the others at home and everyone says they don't touch him. But who would really admit to it? Maybe just asking about it is enough of a hint.
He is in my bedroom but I can't lock my door. I've spoken to the others at home and everyone says they don't touch him. But who would really admit to it? Maybe just asking about it is enough of a hint.

I guess you just have to take their word then. Make sure he has some where to hide. Can you lock the door on the enclosure?
The fact that you're suspicious makes me a little worried for his welfare. A lot of people think it's hilarious to tease animals. My own adult son loves to get right into the face of our cats and lizards. He doesn't do it with intended malice but it scares the crap out of them if they're not expecting it.:x
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