Crush/pinch injuries

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Not so new Member
Sep 12, 2010
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Hey all,

Just had a rather traumatizing experience with my jungle. I always feed her in the esky, as she isnt big enough to get out and i can keep her in the easily. Seems she has gotten bigger recently and is able to get out. Well she got out and got the tip of her tail caught in a small join in the plastic. It seems she was able to get it in there but unable to get it out. I had to pry the plastic apart with a knife. At this point she was quite distressed and rightly so. A small part of her tail was jammed and i can see where it was pinched which obviously hurt.

I got bitten by the first time ever from her, so she is obviously very distressed. I put her back in her house and she doesnt seem any worse for wear. She isnt hidng and is strolling around on her branches.
I have 2 questions:
1) Will this effect her tail at all? It wasnt fully pinch only slightly, you can see where it was, but it looks like it was fine.
2) Will she now be more prone to biting me? I sort of feel like she's lost all of her innocence!
The only thing I can think of, is when you castrate lambs, they do have an aversion to the handler for about a week afterwards.The appearance of the tail should be fine if it didn't actually cut off the circulation, then it should heal. I have no idea if it will affect her, but maybe just give her some space for a few days, and give her some time to recover, it must have given her a big fright, thinking that she was trapped.
Cheers for that.

It looks fine, she was probably caught for about 2 minutes max. and only pinched, not enough to completely cut off circ i wouldnt think. Just enough to hurt.

Im leaving her to her own devices. I might get her out after work tonight and see how she is. If she's her usual self she should be ok. She is usally really calm and looks good back in her house. Ill keep an eye on her. If she is obviously pissed off, ill leave her for a few days.
the snake should be fine , i would leave it alone for a week or so .
this is another reason why i feed snakes in there enclosures/ click clacks .
I got a bigger storage crate. I'll use that one in the future or feed her on the table or something.
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