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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All,

As you are well aware, Aussie Pythons & Snakes went offline for the majority of July for which we apologize greatly. In a nutshell, database issues were plaguing the site on a weekly basis and our only fix was to take a copy of what was left and migrate it, along with the site, to a new hosting provider. This caused quite a few issues and as you can see, there are still some bits and pieces being worked on.

There is a large amount of data and user profiles missing in the new setup as that is all that could be salvaged from the previous hosting setup however I am fixing up everything bit by bit in order to get things back.

I envision things to start rapidly happening throughout today and will hopefully get the systems back on their feet by tomorrow morning.

Please feel free to PM or email me at if you have any questions.

How are the missing user profiles coming along Sniper? I appreciate you've no doubt been working your butt off to get the site this far but just thought I might pose the question for those that have lost their presence on here and might not want to join up again just to find out.
How are the missing user profiles coming along Sniper? I appreciate you've no doubt been working your butt off to get the site this far but just thought I might pose the question for those that have lost their presence on here and might not want to join up again just to find out.

Good point Wally, its something I have forgotten to mention.

Unfortunately the database was badly corrupted as I have mentioned. The worst part about that was that any backups that were availible were in the same state and because of that, any user accounts that have been lost are gone for good. The content seems to be around for the most part but the user record connected to it is gone.

Members with lost accounts will need to rejoin the forums. I know its a hassle and all I can offer at the moment is an apology.

Thanks Stu.

That is certainly a shame. Looking through the members list last night I noticed a couple missing whose input into discussions on here I always valued. Lets hope they join again.
Welcome back, will missing threads be back or lost forever? The freshly shed for example
I am glad to see you back, I was worried that was the end of APS.Every time I tried to log in I was denied with a message saying it wasn't a trusted site.
Welcome back, will missing threads be back or lost forever? The freshly shed for example

Unfortunately not sorry. They were lost during the last makpr outage prior to migrating the database

Thanks Stu.

That is certainly a shame. Looking through the members list last night I noticed a couple missing whose input into discussions on here I always valued. Lets hope they join again.
I agree too Wally, and its a hell of a shame. If people know where else they may spend time, please let them know the site is back up and the door will always be open for their return.
I think people will do searches etc and realise it is back up. Some people do drop off forums through natural attrition. Thank you Sniper for all your hard work. I lost my website through a hosting error. Had to start over from scratch. The hosting server got the flick real quick. No dramas with my new Host. I can understand the time and effort to get things back the way they were.
I am glad it was just a data base problem, for a while there i thought it may have been a disgruntled member hitting you with a "DDOS" attack, if that was the case a simple migration would be no good. Glad to see you back. :) .................Ron
So who owns APS now?

I hope it's not some company like VerticalScope. They've bought other forums I am a member of and it's always ended badly.

Just me as a private individual @RoryBreaker. I have taken over all the hosting, domain names, costs and such now and I have much the same thought pattern as you, large companies tend to ruin good forums like this. I would prefer the site stay online, despite its set backs over the past month or so and while its been a learning curve for me due to the sheer size of the site, hopefully I have got everything stabilized now and can start working on suggestions and improvements from the member base.

So Stu, are you now going to open a BitCoin & PayPal acc and hope the Lads and Ladettes of APS will throw a bit of coin your way to help offset some of the hosting costs until the subsciption $$$ start coming in ????, i would probs throw a few bucks at the forum to help out and hope other long timers would do so as well ...................just a thought, i personally know how much the setup and follow up costs are for owning and running a forum of your own. :) ..................Ron
So Stu, are you now going to open a BitCoin & PayPal acc and hope the Lads and Ladettes of APS will throw a bit of coin your way to help offset some of the hosting costs until the subsciption $$$ start coming in ????, i would probs throw a few bucks at the forum to help out and hope other long timers would do so as well ...................just a thought, i personally know how much the setup and follow up costs are for owning and running a forum of your own. :) ..................Ron

Easy, just upgrade your account to become a subscriber, see here.
Thanks Ron and Chris.

It has been a costly exercise but its something I think is worth it. I have setup a Paypal account and it is currently linked to the subscriptions and power sellers accounts however as its still a new account, any funds in there are held in a pending status for 21 days. Once they clear (and a massive thank you to all those who have purchased/donated), I do have plans for some further improvements & functionality to be added to the site to hopefully improve everyone's experience.

I am also always keen to hear of and consider any improvements or ideas for the site from the site members, so please get in touch if you want to share.
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