Darwin Carpet Sick??

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2003
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Up the Ral Ral Creek. S.A.
Hi folks, just a few questions please? We have a Darwin Carpet Python, which has seemed to be constipated, but maybe not? Swollen from the vent area up to about 75mm up towards the head. Seems to be leaking urine, and when massaged tonight seems that the urine has changed to a putrid pussy sort of stuff? Ewww! She has had tepid baths and massage for the last 3 days. She has been tubed tonight with some Paraffin Oil to help the constipation. The swollen area has not felt hard at all. Any ideas please. We have taken a sample of what came out of the vent tonight for the vet to check. Please help! Cheers Cheryl
Oh, and forgot to add that Dave said when he massaged the area above the vent tonight(where it is swollen), after the tepid bath, he felt some sort of popping?? That's when the pussy sort of stuff started coming out! Cheers Cheryl
Has it laid any eggs recently? Not a retained egg or something like that? Maybe a cyst? Can you get it to a vet for an ultrasound?
I take my snake outside, at least once a week, to exercise and provide stimulation. I would take the snake outside onto the grass and let it slither around for about half an hour... That might help it clean out.

My snake was looking a bit swollen the other day- 2 trips outside one day after the other and she is fine again. She was also leaking fluid prior to the trip outside... But she is fine now.
:( Sorry to say the little sick Darwin died after the last tepid bath & massage last night. She's never been that well since we got her from Rob Bredl. We had been nursing her along and trying to get her to feed properly over the last two months, then found the swelling above her vent 3 days ago. Followed Rob's advice with the tepid baths and massages, but to no avail, poor little thing! Were about to take her to the vet today, but too late. Cheers Cheryl
Yes, I was sorry she died, was hoping she would come good, but not to be :(. We still have another Darwin Carpet female. Rob Bredl is on the lookout for a male for us to breed her with for next season. Cheers Cheryl
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