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@pythoninfinite @Pauls_Pythons @cement @BredliFreak [MENTION=36030]ronhalling[/MENTION]

I have the pictures all done and uploaded. Enjoy.
I set the furnishing back up to the best of my memory, and ignore the black plug, that's only been there for the first day after the injury.


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@cement It's amazing you can tell so much about someone just through words on a forum post.

Yeah your right it is. Being a professional snake relocator, and ex reptile dept head for a wildlife rescue organisation, I get a feel for when animals are either poached from the wild, or just plain out neglected, and having lived the type of life I have, knowledge of the personality type that does these things.
You'd be surprised how many people just think it would be "cool" to have a snake, and how it would somehow empower that individual, wether they know how to look after it or not, or even care. They take animals from the wild and don't know the first thing about their requirements, until the animals almost dead, and then they ring the rescue and care people or google to either hand it in or sometimes when they are especially greedy and selfish try to get answers, by then its usually too late.
I'm getting that vibe off you "Starlord". You don't know the age of the snake, or what to feed it, you post photos off a website showing a professionally made enclosure.
You obviously know very little about fundamental requirements. This is info (lack of) that comes from you.
Sometimes it's what a person doesn't say that matters more.

You can reply to this any way you like, it's water off a ducks back to me. I'll bet your unlicenced, and that animal should be removed from your lack of care and probably euthanased. You don't have the necessary capacity to keep any animal, that much is f@#$en obvious.

That wound was probably caused by either being run over or caught up in poly bird netting or chicken wire, there is VERY little chance that a professional made enclosure could do that.
"can't find any skin"......
and hungry snakes don't eat themselves.

Actually i do have a permit, and everything else you said is incorrect. OMG the ISS is passing over, time to bring out the telescope!
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Prob.got stuck in that stupid cowskull thing
He's had that cow skull this for 75% of his life and has been in and out of it hundreds of times. Also it's a reptile one product.

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Sorry to butt in, could cable ties really cause this kind of injury? I have a couple of probes secured with cable ties..

Please do, I actually want him to elaborate further on that. I'm just as confused as you are about it.
I'm just thinking that if the cable ties are not tight could the snake have squeezed through one & got itself stuck
Hi all,

Have a look at Herpo's latest thread, "Slipped Skin Disease". Hopefully he'll reference where he got the info. Good bit of detective work if you ask me.


I think that article might throw a spanner in the works...
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I just read that pdf, the description, the pictures it all adds up even little over a week ago his dressing slid down to his cloaca so i pulled his tail gently... and the skin around the tail ripped completely full circumference and was able to move up and down (like a condom that doesn't fold over it's self. And and just today i noticed his skin up near his neck kind of folds into the contours of the rip cage. Eureka! @Herpo Thank you so much.
:) I think I just had to up my dosage of blood pressure tabs Ron! Nah, not really. Anyway, we all like a good mystery every now and again - it brings out the detective in us... If we don't get hard facts (other than those I've already referred to), we begin to make assumptions... it's human nature, and despite my "deluded state," I'm still only human... :)!


Damn Jamie i hope i did not raise your blood pressure, if i did it was purely collateral and for that i apologize. :( .............Ron
A quick read through that other thread doesn't seem to have an optimistic prognosis. If it's still that bad, it might be time for it to meet a hard object at a high speed to discontinue the suffering.
Hello everyone just wanted to provide an update
My python is now deceased and buried in the ground. i came home from work, checked on him he was fine. Come back from dinner, his neck was stiff, he wasn't breathing and not a sign of a pulse.

On a positive note though, i would like to give a huge thanks to everyone who helped me on this thread and special thanks to @Herpo and @littlemay for identifying the possible culprit to his horrific injuries.

Rest in peace friend.


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Sorry to hear that he didn't make it Starlord, it was never going to be a good prognosis unfortunately.

I'd still e-mail the vet in that article that Littlemay provided, he may ask for photos etc, it would be interesting to see if it was/wasn't Slipped Skin Disease.
Not that it helps but this is feedback I have just received......................

I have had a look at that post on APS (I rarely venture on there) and the snake in question has all the hallmarks of this condition. As has been told to the person who posted these images originally they need to have seen a vet familiar with reptiles or at least one who can contact one who is. I have seen a number of snakes with this condition (Diamond Pythons seem to be over-represented)... all of them die. This has also been reported from other reptile vets around the world who have seen similar cases. Unfortunately that snake needs to be euthanased ASAP. It appears to be an incurable condition...
Condolences to Starlord....I know everyone hates to lose a beloved animal :(

Thank to Herpo and littlemay (you are both serious herpetologists) and I have learned something from your knowledge and research

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