Diamonds in QLD - heat or no heat? inside or outside?

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Active Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Gold Coast
Hi all,
Im trying to do the right thing by my ten month old Diamond here, its starting to get warmer at my place (I live in a shed and it heats up pretty quickly in there)
Im in the process of changing her living arrangements, upgrading her tub size etc.. but what concerns me the most is the whole heating side of things. From what I have heard it seems most people keep diamonds outside in Queensland with no heat...
Id love to hear from people who do keep Diamonds on the Gold Coast, whats the most ideal set up for her to be in?

Ive also heard people talking about not feeding Diamonds as often as other snakes due to them dying from some weird problem (I have forgotten the name but it was related to Diamonds only from what I read)
Advice most welcome :)
I live in Gatton which is an hour west of Brisbane. My diamonds heat bulb recently blew and I'm not going to replace it until the end of summer if that helps.

Oh and the disease is called Diamond Syndrome but I've never really read anything conclusive about it..
Thanks Phil, youve confirmed my thoughts. I think I will be turning off her heat until summers over. Still unsure if I should move her outside or not though, mainly because I think it will be a bit cooler outside then it gets in my shed lol.
Diamond Syndrome that was it, I read somewhere that people suggest feeding them less and keeping them colder in order to avoid that but as you said... Ive never read anything that gives you actual proof of the best way to avoid it.
Oh cheers!! how on earth did I miss that LOL. I did do a search for a thread I promise! hehehe
thanks snakelove :)
did you end up getting your diamond? I just posted a couple of pics on your thread of a tub I made this morning wanting to see if people think it will be suitable for my little girl. awfully glad to have read such great advice, planning on moving her outside this weekend now ;)
Ive learnt a very valuable lesson through her.... research more BEFORE you buy!!! :S Im glad shes going to be ok though :)
Temperature is important to diamonds and up where you are the heat will be something to be careful of for sure.
If you keep them outside then give them as large an avairy as possible with hides dug down into the ground. I basically dig a hole and cover with layers and layers of cabbage palm leaves. Grow vines or cover the exposed roof with shade cloth and hose it down on days that get over 35. In summer they will desperatly need the shade, a breeze and a cool retreat.
Thanks Cement. I have got an empty avairy that I will move her into when she is a bit bigger, after all the information Ive gotten today I have made her this new tub

inside of Micahs new summer tub.jpgMicahs summer tub.jpg

do you think it would be ok to have her in that outside in the shade? I could keep her in the avairy IN that tub even.... is that ventilated enough do you think? She is only ten months old at the moment.
hi there
if she is only 10 months old, it isnt necessary at that age to put her outside. she should still be provided with 24hr heat. when you do go to put her outside, a plastic tub isnt ideal. this, as well as glass, filters most UV and also heats very quickly to high temperatures.
but for the time being, that enclosure will be fine for her :)
Thanks Oreo, because I live in a shed the temps get pretty high inside which was my main concern. but Ill move her into this tub and keep her inside and see what the temp regulates at. If its still looking like she will get to hot then Ill look into other options. I was coming to the conclusion that I may have had to rehome her somewhere with aircon :(
Do you have a reccomendation for suitable temps she should be in at her age? When I got her I was told 24 degrees which is what she has been on (the middle gradient temp) but my shed is hitting 28 during the day already and its only just started getting hotter :S
No worries Shep. I can understand your concern keeping her inside the shed, especially during Qld summers. However at 24*C, she will grow very slowly. In the branches, it is ok for the temps to reach 30/31 (with a termostat), but do keep monitoring this. At the age of about 2 (or her second spring) you can consider moving her outside (of course feel free to do this earlier). Expose her to 4hours of sunlight in the morning, but protection from the afternoon shade is critical. Your tub is ideal for the time being though. :)
Hi I live in Brisbane and have a breeding pair of diamonds female 6yo male 5yo i have never kept them inside, they are outside in all weather and temps they are in an large suspended cage 2.5m long 1m wide 2mt high 45cm off the ground with a wire floor, roofing iron over 1 third roof and sides, shelf in this end 2 large broccilli boxes with lids and doors cut into them as hides.I have their cage possition so they get all the sunlight untill about 12.00 then my house starts to shadow the cage. They indicate to me when winter is approching and feeding needs to stop i see less and less of them except basking in the morning.They also indicate when they are ready to start eating again in spring always out following my every move . they have been healthy and regulate breeding to every second year. i do keep a large baby bath of water in the bottom of the cage which on realy hot days they will go into but not for long then they go back to the boxes. for me and my diamonds this works in brisbane. and i believe keeps them healthy.
I wouldn't heat at all in QLD. I have kept diamonds outside in Sydney with no heating and they are very healthy. I got one of these as a 12 year old kid and he's still doing very well 17 years later. Personally, I think Diamonds do better outside. You should try to ensure they have access to a cool retreat at all times.
Fed them last week and even though it has been a bit chillier they still have no heat and look like they've digested without any problems. Won't be turning heat back on until autumn/winter.
yes during very hot days or long periods without rain i have used the wet sack method of cooling using a breeze or a fan
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