diy incubator

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Not so new Member
Feb 22, 2009
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I was thinking I will convert this wine cooler from big w into an incubator has anyone else done this.
I am going to use an old habistat dimming thermostat and heat cord.
I have time so I will look around to see what I can retro fit I will post photos of finished product.
of course I will set its thermo to inactive but was thinking the inbuilt fan would be very useful
Buy Tempo 16-Bottle Wine Cooler | Read Reviews | BIG W Online Store Australia HMTW-16EQ 40 Bottle Wine Cooler Operating Instructions...

going by the instructions if I disconnect the power to the compressor the digital temperature display will still work.
hey if it is not viable I will have somewhere for the wife to store her wine. I have also checked ebay and there are some on there for $40.
It could well look very neat and tidy
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View attachment 207735I used the exact same one last year. Worked a treat. 100% hatch rate with all fertile eggs. I used 2 thermostats as i wanted it to heat and cool as i live in the tropics. 1 thermostat attached to the heat source and a cooling thermostat plugged into the wine fridge. Too hot and the fridge came on to cool it down. I put all the probes and wires out the door and used child locks to make sure it had a good seal and held tight.
Hi guys just a quick question, how do you attatch the heat cord to the inside? I have seen people use tape and was wondering if it is ok to use tape with a heat cord?
I may be looking into making an incubator either for this year or next year (not sure yet) and was advised that this is an easier and cheaper way rather than me buying a Hova Bator, i was going to get one but was told they are really small and wouldn't meet my possible requirements.
I am on the hunt for a fridge but there are none cheapish enough that have a glass door so this sounds like a really good option.

Oh and thanks heaps for the link and everything, i hadn't even known they made such a thing as a 'wine cooler' as i don't drink or socialise much etc and don't drink wine lol.
I like the idea of using a cooling thermostat it would save me the work of disconnecting the compressor. mummabear did you use heat cord?
I was thinking that is what I would use. And to answer your question EM1986 I was going to attach the cord with aluminium tape. As I have a fair bit left from my hatchy rack.
I was planning on taking out the existing shelves tapping the heat cord in. then using the white plastic grate that they use in aquarium sumps (I could probably also use a cut up bread crate)
a small container of water in the bottom for humidity that to would have a grate of sorts in it as well just so if anything fell in they would not drown.
I figure this setup would be easy to sterilise and provide a relatively clean environment at a fraction of the cost of buying a similiar setup. cheapest I have seen was 414. and it was quite small.
Thanks heaps for that, i was thinking aluminium tape as well but i have seen some photos that look like they have used duct tape so wasn't sure.
Sounds like a really good plan, thanks heaps for the tips and i can't wait to see the final result :)
If you are not fussed on looks, keep an eye out on clean up days and get yourself a bar fridge. You can normally get non working ones for free. Rip the mechanics out of it and use the hole in the rear to plumb all your wiring through. Don't worry about the cooling side of things, just keep it in the coolest part of your house. Most eggs will survive a spike in temps anyway, as long as it is not continual. Use a heat cord of appropriate size, I used to use a 6m one in my bar fridge as I felt the 4.3 was a bit small, although it may have done the job. I now use a 15m one in my large incubator. I also found that a pulse proportionate thermostat gave better results than a dimming stat. You can use small screws into the metal in the fride to loop the heat cord around. A fan is not necessary to circulate air in a small incubator, but is good in a large one.
Hi bcross i used a heat mat sitting on a tile in mine because thats all it needed and no attaching necessary. I also use a pulse proportionate thermostat. I have a larger wine fridge that i will be using heat cord with though. I love the cooling function. I personally don't run an air-con very often so don't really have a cool part in my house in summer. Also i can go away and not worry about the temps being too hot.
I was also thinking of a heat mat. In my little box of leftovers I also have a couple of small heat mats a home brewing heatpad and a couple of cords. One thing I don't have is a pulse proportional thermo.
I figure I have time on my side so I have time to tinker. I also have a couple of temp data loggers from jaycar. So I could run the proposed set up for say 48hrs and have a look.
I do know I am over engineering a simple procedure.But I like to muck around with things like this. Geez I built a Koi pond 9 years ago and I am still tweaking it, my latest tweak a diy clarity protein skimmer and it seems to be working well.
hey mate i just completed a incubator on a wine fridge almost identical to this.
pulled almost everything out used dobs of silicone to zig zag a 25w heat cord along the bottom that went to a micro climate pulse proportional i got of ebay for 100 bucks new.
The wine cooler i got had a small fan in the back so i got an old phone charger an reused it. i know its not necessary but it was already in there and only uses 3w of power.
only thing is to make sure the glass in the door is double glazed. most of them are so it shouldnt be a problem but if it is not the fluctuations of outside temps could have a bigger impact on inside incubator temps.
I built mine for under 200 bucks not including the egg containers and it looks really neat and tidy.
This has to be my favourite thread on here right now because there has been no nasty comments or me being treated like i'm stupid or anything for asking questions :)

Anyways, what wattage or length heat cord would be reccomended for the 16 bottle wine cooler or a similar size?
Also i have been looking at thermostats but am confused as to what brand to use and have seen them say 100W, 300W etc so would i just need a 100W if say the heat cord was only a 50-80W?

Out here bar fridges etc are hard to find even on junk days (once or twice a year we have them) because i think most people take them to the scrappies or they want to sell them or make them into dog kennels etc. I have seen one used as a mailbox on a farm around here lol.
I would prefer a glass fronted one to minimise the temps fluctuating when checking/looking at the eggs but on the other hand as mentioned glass doesn't hold heat very well so outside temps can affect the incubator temps.
Would i have issues with this given where i live? Summer does get quite hot but at night it cools down a fair bit and this year we had snow in january i think it was.

Thanks heaps for sharing so much guys and sorry for asking so many questions.
This has to be my favourite thread on here right now because there has been no nasty comments or me being treated like i'm stupid or anything for asking questions :)

Anyways, what wattage or length heat cord would be reccomended for the 16 bottle wine cooler or a similar size? I would go with a 4.3m heat cord, it should be enough, although if you ever look at upgrading, then look into a larger heat cord like a 6 metre one.
Also i have been looking at thermostats but am confused as to what brand to use and have seen them say 100W, 300W etc so would i just need a 100W if say the heat cord was only a 50-80W? The wattage of the thermostat is pretty much irrelevant as you will not be running that much wattage in an incubator. What you need to look for is the type of thermostat, in this case, a pulse proportionate one will maintain the best temps when paired up to a heat cord. Most good quality ones will do around 600 watts anyway.

Out here bar fridges etc are hard to find even on junk days (once or twice a year we have them) because i think most people take them to the scrappies or they want to sell them or make them into dog kennels etc. I have seen one used as a mailbox on a farm around here lol.
I would prefer a glass fronted one to minimise the temps fluctuating when checking/looking at the eggs but on the other hand as mentioned glass doesn't hold heat very well so outside temps can affect the incubator temps.
Would i have issues with this given where i live? Summer does get quite hot but at night it cools down a fair bit and this year we had snow in january i think it was. Do you have a fridge repair guy in the area or something like that? I picked up a commercial freezer without any of the cooling gear in it for $120 or something a few years ago. It is about 1800H x 700w x 700d with double glazed glass front doors, fluoro light, on wheels with all the shelves. Works a treat.

Thanks heaps for sharing so much guys and sorry for asking so many questions.

Hope that helps. :D:D
Em don't ever be afraid to ask questions. there is a ton of people on this site with a wealth of knowledge willing contribute and help us all .
I would definately be taking hugsta's advice. on where to get your kit from.
Ericrs what did you use for egg containers?

Hey Ericrs and mummabear do you have any photos? I am very interested in seeing what you have done.
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Em don't ever be afraid to ask questions. there is a ton of people on this site with a wealth of knowledge willing contribute and help us all .

My first reply on here ever was met with a comment virtually asking if i was stupid and if i could read etc so i have been extremely hessitant ever since :(
I have avoided starting my own threads asking questions because i have noticed a lot of threads get ignored if it is a 'simple' type of question or something you can google and when people do reply it is often a rude, 'smart', or mean comment.

I am really glad i jumped in here though and have gotten some needed advice and examples of how you guys set up your incubators. It has been really helpful and has made me feel a little better about this forum at the same time so thanks heaps :)
I'll be looking around and seeing what i can get and possibly post pics or further questions here (if that is ok with you bcross?).
there are so many ways to set up incubators, from esky's and foam boxes, to fridges, ovens etc, if they all work the same in keeping the at a steady temp. then they are all good incubators i guess....
im making mine in an esky with sand and water almost to the top of the sand and putting a controlled fish tank heater in the sand to keep it warm.... ill post pics when its up and running
Em I think you have come across a few members in this thread who are willing to help. If you ever want to ask a Q you can always PM me I would be only to happy to help if I can.
Hopefully this works bcross

So will a heat mat work just the same as a heat cord at keeping temps stable and even throughout the incubator? I would be worried that the temp wouldn't be the same from top to bottom.

Also if/when i make one it will be for bearded dragon eggs and someone said that the 3 females i am getting can be expected to lay 200-300 eggs in a season so i am worried about space. At the moment it is not an urgent thing as i doubt i will breed this year. Any idea of how big a bar fridge/wine cooler i would need if i was to mate all 3 females?

Thanks so much and i really hope you don't mind me butting in bcross
not at all.
200 300 eggs not sure though that is alot. Can someone else offer an idea I am not sure on lizards.

the heat mat would most definately work as mumma bear has proved. His set up is exactly what I had in mind he just confirmed it .
I was also thinking I will try some feritlie chicken eggs first and also those dataloggers as well just to sus out what happens and how stable the temps are. I will use two top and bottom. but then if you didn't have access to one of these some thermometers record high and low temps. which is primarily what we are interested in . if they are stable and no major spikes or drops all good.
ericrs set up used heat cord and worked a treat as well .what you would have to do would be turn the incubator on for a couple days before they lay just so the heat builds up in there and stabilizes and is ready for your clutch.
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