do I need to feed her more?

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2009
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Rochedale, Qld
My Coastat Carpet, Amber, Is about 13 months old and about 1M long, the rats I feed her are bigger than the white haired frozen mice, have no hair, are about 5-6cm long (excluding tail) and probably about 1.8-2.2cm thick. They are a bit more than twice her throat thickness I think.

Is one a week ok? or do I need to feed her 2 a week or 1 more often? What is best for her?

Any idea as to the average time it'll take for her to reach her adult size?
There is no problem in feeding her 2 a week Most of my snakes get 2-3 pray items of appropriate size each week

I have coastals about that size feeding on weaner rats. It is hard to say if your feed items are too big or small without seeing the snake.

Get a set of scales and weigh her, 10% of body weight every 7-10 days is a good average,
If you snake gets it down with no problems then its no real problem Like I said you can easily feed her 2 if you want it wont hurt
the naked rat is about the size of a mouse, give or take. She has been through the naked mice and the white fuzzy mice, she seems to like these bigger naked rats more, I was just seeing if I need to feed her more.
lol I'll try 2 then, who is a good cheap supplyer? I get 4 of the rats for $10, is that a rip?
The food item should be leaving a noticable lump in the thickest part of the snakes body, if you cannot see a lump then it's too small.
the naked rat is about the size of a mouse, give or take. She has been through the naked mice and the white fuzzy mice, she seems to like these bigger naked rats more, I was just seeing if I need to feed her more.

Pinky rats (fur less) are no where near the size of an adult mouse, which is about 40grams. Get a set of cheap kitchen scales and start weighing your food items, it will give you a better idea of what to feed. A basic guide is to feed around 3 times the size of the thickest part of the snake.
If you snake gets it down with no problems then its no real problem Like I said you can easily feed her 2 if you want it wont hurt

so you would feed it 2 pinkys instead of a fuzzy or weaner, I thought the sooner you fed them rodents with hair the better it is for them?
My opinion only, nothing wrong with giving her a few pink rats each feed, but i find it easier to just feed one prey item of appropriate size. I would also rather feed a larger rat with good gut content over 2 pink rats.

A hatchlling coastal would be able to take a pink rat so i would think it is time to move up a size in food items.
personally i would try 2 my 12 month old bredli is eating 2 fuzzy rats just try no harm if she takes 2
Just looked at the photo of your snake, not sure how recent they are but i think you would be easily be able to give her a large fuzzy rat or a small hopper rat, around 20-25g.

Grab some cheap digital scales that measure in grams and that will also help you get a more accurate feeding size.
so you would feed it 2 pinkys instead of a fuzzy or weaner, I thought the sooner you fed them rodents with hair the better it is for them?

I'm not saying pinkies are good for a snake that size My coastals at that age are eating I would say fuzzie rats may be bigger and they get 2-3 of them

You are always better to feed 2 slightly small pray than one huge pray
Feed her more :) my 14month old bredli is on sub adult/small rats :)
My coastal hatchy is taking 2 pinkie rats with eez
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