DP 2nd shed so soon

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Fall guys

Very Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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just wondering what could be possible reasons my diamond is starting to shed AGAIN, last time he shed was a couple weeks ago around the time my other snakes shed (beginning to mid July)

His eyes have just gone blue again this morning :eek:

Any info would be nice :)

Ps: he’s fairly old, 7-8~ years
Ok... if it's any consolation for you, I just went and checked on my pythons as I was going around shutting windows because it's just started raining here... and my spotted python is out cruising around its enclosure. Upon closer inspection, it was just pulling the last of its shed off the end of its tail... a complete intact one piece shed... just now... so what, right?? It had a complete shed on July 21... 8 days ago. The pic of it after that shed is the one I'm using as my current avatar...

I didn't even realise he/she was in shed again... it smashed a mouse 4 nights ago. I totally am stumped with this one. Lol
Can happen and can be many reasons.
I would doubt a growth spurt at this time of year, if the previous slough wasn't a good one they can sometimes 'double up' in order to remove an eye cap or the likes. (Im not saying this is the case)
They can use shedding as a means to rid themselves of infestations such as mites. (Again not saying this is the case here)

I remember having an adult BHP that would go through a shed cycle every 3-4 weeks, to the extent it was driving me nuts. Took him to Shane Simpson, couldn't find anything wrong and it did slow down but throughout his life (from being 4 years old) he would never go longer than 2 months without a shed cycle. Never got to the bottom of the cause.

I wouldn't worry just double check the housekeeping and if feeding through winter you might want to consider brumation in future years. If it happens a 3rd time I would be seeking medical advice/checks but thats just me.
Yeah I've still been feeding mine throughout winter and have kept a hot spot constantly at 36° for it and it's only young and still growing so I guess that's it.

Nice clean sheds anyway. Will definitely put the brakes on next May-September.
That’s nothing.
My Stimsons once shed 3 times in 2 weeks. Absolutely nuts.

Just a very rapid growth spurt for no real apparent reason.

That is not a rapid growth spurt. A snake doesn't outgrow its skin 3 times in a fortnight.
There simply must be another reason for it but as humans we are unlikely to ever know what the reason is.
That is not a rapid growth spurt. A snake doesn't outgrow its skin 3 times in a fortnight.
There simply must be another reason for it but as humans we are unlikely to ever know what the reason is.

Eh- don’t want to argue it because it really is a mystery, but I’d like to put in that he did actually grow noticeably in that time.

No issues with previous shed, mites, injuries...

Only difference was that he was being fed on a more regular basis. He was a 5-7mo at that point and was fed every fortnight by the breeder. I fed him every 5 days when I got him- the successive shedding occurred about a month or two after I got him which is why I’ve always put it down to a growth spurt.
Funnily enough he did eat between each of the sheds. Fuzzy mice, so by no means a large meal.
I fed him every 5 days when I got him- the successive shedding occurred about a month or two after I got him which is why I’ve always put it down to a growth spurt.

Think about this.............feeding every 5 days means 3 feeds in 2 weeks and 3 sloughs. Or in simple terms your snake shed every feed. Growth spurt........?????? You are more than entitled to take no notice of what Im saying but I have fed hatchies every 3 days to get them going and they don't outgrow a skin in less than a week.
I have never even heard of an adult snake shedding twice in less than a month, haven’t even fed him in between

So it’s quite interesting that it does/can happen

My baby when I got her last year shed about once every 1-3months months for first 12months of having
Various things can trigger a snake's slough cycle to commence. Once in a while they get triggered unnecessarily and the snake sloughs when it doesn't really need to. It's pretty rare, but once in a while I've had snakes slough twice in a row within about 2 weeks without a feed, or within about 10 days with a couple of feeds when they are growing rapidly. I've never had anything quite as extreme as three in two weeks, but I've had fairly close. If the snake is growing very quickly the most likely reason is that it produced a new skin which wasn't quite big enough and immediately went into another slough cycle, and the hormone switch was a bit stuck, or the hormone production was a little bit jammed in the on position, causing the third slough.

I wouldn't be at all concerned, I'd just find it novel and interesting. If it continued for much longer or there were any signs of problems I would be concerned.

This would actually be a very interesting research project for a PhD student or some private medical company. I'm not sure if anyone has identified the hormones responsible for initiating a slough cycle and the various associated mechanisms. It may have practical medical applications for humans, and even if it doesn't it would be fascinating research, and probably a relatively straightforward project (extremely difficult and complex, but in context of what it is, very easy). I'm not even sure if anyone has identified the main hormone which is produced to trigger it!
I have never even heard of an adult snake shedding twice in less than a month, haven’t even fed him in between

So it’s quite interesting that it does/can happen

My baby when I got her last year shed about once every 1-3months months for first 12months of having

Adult snakes can slough twice within a month, it's not that unusual.
Think about this.............feeding every 5 days means 3 feeds in 2 weeks and 3 sloughs. Or in simple terms your snake shed every feed. Growth spurt........?????? You are more than entitled to take no notice of what Im saying but I have fed hatchies every 3 days to get them going and they don't outgrow a skin in less than a week.

I've fed snakes on a wide range of schedules (I love to experiment), ranging from less than weekly up to 5 days per week. I've raised many snakes on schedules of feeds every 3 days or so. Generally, at first they'll slough every 4-7 feeds, give or take, but after a few months on this regime, if the feeds are large, they can sometimes slough more frequently, and if they build up fat reserves they can keep putting on size (length, not weight) even without feeding for a short time after the feeding stops. After the high feeding frequency has continued for some time I don't find it unusual for them to have aberrant sloughs, presumably because their slough triggers are getting worked unnaturally heavily. It's a little bit like how injured snakes can have multiple sloughs because of the unusually strong slough trigger, even though the injury is fully healed.
A normal healthy snake does not shed 3 times on 3 feeds in a 2 week period.
The normal shedding cycle takes 5-10 days depending on conditions.
Day 1 : Shed
Day 2 : Fed
Day 9 : Shed
Day 10 : Fed
Day 14 : Shed

My guy won’t feed while he’s blue and I generally feed him the day after a shed if he’s missed out on a feedback because he was blue.

Snake is question is now 4ish yrs old so this happened ages ago.

Again, not trying to argue, just telling you what happened with one of my animals.

On the other end of the scale, my Woma only went into shed twice last year despite eating weekly a medium rat for 6 months of the year. 2yrs old at the time. Fed during Spring/Summer and no food during Autumn/Winter period. Not expecting shed once he was cooled, but to get only 2 that entire year was very strange for me. He did actually go blue (and I mean real obvious blue eyes, cloudy belly the whole deal) but never shed from that- he just cleared up and went back to normal. Stripped the whole tank, and no so much as a scale. Took to the vet- no indication he was in shed. Skin was shiny as per usual (not ‘fresh shed’ shiny, but healthy and normal looking). Soaked him and tried to massage it off- nothing came loose. Eventually just gave up and he shed about 2 months later a complete shed in one piece. I mean, unless he ate it, theres no way he ever shed the skin...

I would also be very interested in what makes a snake shed and exactly how those triggers work (and from there why they go whacky from time to time)
A normal healthy snake does not shed 3 times on 3 feeds in a 2 week period.
The normal shedding cycle takes 5-10 days depending on conditions.

I definitely agree it wasn’t ‘normal’, and maybe I did miss a surface injury to the snake at the time. Snake is fine now and sheds almost bang on every 25 days over Spring/Summer
How's your diamond going @Bl69aze ? My blonde spotted shed on the 21st of July, enthusiastically hammered a feed on the 25th, shed again on the 29th hasn't looked like wanting a feed since, I haven't even attempted to feed it, just had a looksy and it's in shed again already. Had it out for a stretch on Tuesday arv and it looks fine, active, alert, busy, no retained shed, no injuries.
How's your diamond going @Bl69aze ? My blonde spotted shed on the 21st of July, enthusiastically hammered a feed on the 25th, shed again on the 29th hasn't looked like wanting a feed since, I haven't even attempted to feed it, just had a looksy and it's in shed again already. Had it out for a stretch on Tuesday arv and it looks fine, active, alert, busy, no retained shed, no injuries.
He Shed today not even 2 days after blue eyes, Pertfect shed again. very angry snake! didnt like me moving his shed

He has just gone into ANOTHER blue Eye stage... Definitely going to take him to vets once he sloughs. will see what they say or think
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