E.Water Dragon - how to age them?

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Not so new Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Bayside VIC

I want to roughly calculate the age of my juvy EWD? Whats the most effective method?

Clues for best guesses - he's about 40cms (nose to tail tip), has a pastel orange chest, still has green, baby camo markings and runs like hell! He can easily chomp roaches in half and has no trouble with medium crickets. Haven't tried larger critters yet in case of impaction.

i would say like other reptiles it is almost impossible to tell how old they are. mine are apparently a year old but look more like they are 6 months.
no reliable way of telling unles you have kept it since birth

they can live along time though i was speakin to peter harlow of taronga zoo yesterday he has had them live 28 years officially

ken griffiths has one over 40 years old apparantly

oh also peter has a cuninghams skink he has had since 1967 he got at a herp meeting
which is still living today
very interesting long lived herps
Cut them in half and count the rings.
Whom ever you bought them from should have an idea and then you add how long you have had them.
Thanks for replies - every assistance, short of actual help - LOL.

A 42 yo herp! Sure it's not a stuffed one?
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