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Im glad I came here too... Im so appreciative of all advice I have been given.. He has put on a little condition, not much but he is a bit fuller around the body than he was. You can see the difference between him and her, Id say living together, she has taken all the food.


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I'd say you're right about her hogging all the food. Which is why they shouldn't be housed together. They just get too stressed. Things can only get better for him now :)
I am pleased to read that there is a perceptible improvement. It provides some measure of hope, no matter how slim, when it seemed that all hope was gone.

The vet is quite correct in saying if he is exposed to sufficient regular natural sunlight than a UVB light source is not required in the enclosure. Half an hour, somewhere between mid-morning to mid-afternoon, three times a week, is sufficient for a normal beardie.

The comment about compact fluorescent UVB lights giving off harmful radiation is no longer the case with any of the name brands. There was an initial problem with a couple of manufactures but this has been well and truly resolved.

It is important to administer some Gatorade or Staminade or similar electrolyte replacement to a dehydrated animal. As water is lost, the solutes (electrolytes) in the body fluid will become more concentrated. To stop this happening, as it would interfere with basic body chemistry, solutes are removed from the body (via the kidneys) to keep the concentration of solutes constant. These can be slowly replaced via food or much more quickly replaced via an electrolyte replacement drink.

In administering calcium supplement, do not provide it every feed. Every second or third feed is fine. The reason being, as explained by Geckodan, a constant supply of calcium can result in continuous high level in the blood, causing the body to interpret this as excess calcium, which it eliminates rather than stores.

I have heard that a dose of natural yoghurt can stimulate a lost appetite in reptiles. This is hearsay only and I cannot verify it. Still, might be worth a try.

The notion that sand harbours bacteria is incorrect. Pure sand, be it siliceous, calcareous or other, is inorganic. Bacteria require organic matter to live on. There are many thousands of geckos in captivity that lead full and healthy lives on sand as a substrate.

They have fixed the issue with compacts? Thats good news, I guess you can go and get one. They used to be problematic though. :)
Thankyou Bluetongue1, for the advice... I have started him on Gatorade.. His eyes are wide and bright today and he is climbing up at the glass when he see's me looking in to check on him...

Any good advice for easily getting his mouth open to use a syringe? He doesn't fight me or stress when I try to but he clamps it shut and I struggle greatly to get him to budge...
With my beardie, i just use a finger nail to slide between his lips, he usually gets the point and opens up willingly. Maybe your's will too :p
With opening his mouth, use a paperclip.
Sounds like you're doing a good job with everything else.
Another good day for him, eating 6 roaches on his own, and easily taking 5mL of purée... Didn't have to force his mouth open, as soon as I dropped a bit on his upper jaw he started to take it on his own from the syringe... A good half hour in the sun, a bath for 10 mins and he was showing off a brilliant yellow, instead of his usual dark grey. Even his eyes are brighter...he even pooped just in time for the vet appointment tomorrow morning lol... Onwards and upwards hopefully!
Hey, that’s fabulous! Particularly the colour change – indicative that it is no longer stressed through ill health.

Taking on highly debilitated reptiles is an exercise in futility more often than not. It pleases me greatly Ash to see someone with your caring attitude and willingness to spare no expense succeed at it. You definitely deserve the outcomes you have achieved.

Well done and good on you!
It is definitely a learning curve for me. I have been breeding/showing/raising dogs for 19 years, so plenty of sleepless nights hand raising puppies... Never thought I'd have sleepless nights with a reptile, as I spent 3 nights getting up every few hours to give him fluids, but now that he is making the effort to drink on his own, I don't get up through the night, I still top him up through the day though.... Have just got home from the vet who can see a huge improvement... Has sent his poop off for a fecal, so will have the results this arvo or early tomorrow morning...I also sent some off for the female too, just to be sure.
I actually reported the people I bought them off to decc, I emailed photos and their details, but I don't think they really care... I never got a response.... I saw they had some pythons at their house too, which looked very underfed, but unfortunately I don't have anymore room to bring home sick animals at the moment, with keeping these two beardies separated from the rest of my lizards, I'm full up... I rang the RSPCA, who told me it's not their area of care, that I need to contact decc, so it's a matter of going around in circles...it's a shame that such in capable people can get hold of a licence and keep these animals like they are trash, just because they are the flavour of the month...
It is definitely a learning curve for me. I have been breeding/showing/raising dogs for 19 years, so plenty of sleepless nights hand raising puppies... Never thought I'd have sleepless nights with a reptile, as I spent 3 nights getting up every few hours to give him fluids, but now that he is making the effort to drink on his own, I don't get up through the night, I still top him up through the day though.... Have just got home from the vet who can see a huge improvement... Has sent his poop off for a fecal, so will have the results this arvo or early tomorrow morning...I also sent some off for the female too, just to be sure.
I actually reported the people I bought them off to decc, I emailed photos and their details, but I don't think they really care... I never got a response.... I saw they had some pythons at their house too, which looked very underfed, but unfortunately I don't have anymore room to bring home sick animals at the moment, with keeping these two beardies separated from the rest of my lizards, I'm full up... I rang the RSPCA, who told me it's not their area of care, that I need to contact decc, so it's a matter of going around in circles...it's a shame that such in capable people can get hold of a licence and keep these animals like they are trash, just because they are the flavour of the month...

You are so right [MENTION=39374]xAshx[/MENTION] !!! Good on you for sticking with it!!
Shame on you RSPCA I guess "all animals, great and small," doesn't apply to reptiles?
That sort of nonsense makes me sick.
Maybe some other animal shelter could help you out?
At least there's 2 lucky lizards in the world :) I admire your dedication :)

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Yay!! Bazil Beardie ate a normal size portion of both woodie roaches and crickets. He had the energy to run around and catch his insects and there was no stopping him. Plus he willingly had some puree, didnt give him much due to eating his lunch so well... His eyes are open now, instead of being closed all the time, & reasonably bright. And he is showing off his pretty relaxed yellow colours still, instead of his sickly grey. He is much more peaceful now.

A bit yucky sorry, but I have noticed there is a huge different in their poop.. Hers is properly formed little pellets, and with his, you can still see the roaches, so they arent digesting properly. Be interesting to see the fecal results from the vet...

The other thing is, when I purchased them, I picked them up from one suburb, but his licence is registered to another different suburb, so something fishy is going on. DECC arent interested in replying to my emails so I guess it isnt of a concern to them.
I am so so so glad things are looking up for him and that hes EATING oh that makes me even happier. Good on you ash you have done wonderfully so far. Lets hope theres nothing scary in the fecals!
good work getting them back up to decent health mate, grab some AstroTurf great way to clean out the enclosure, pull out, hose down and dry boom done!
Fecals came back clear (will post the full results when I get over to the vet to get them), but nothing bad there.. Ive just got them on newspaper at the moment, as I can just roll it up, throw it out, and wipe out their enclosure every day... Ill find some astroturf over the next few weeks I had a look at bunnings here and they only have the really long fake grass stuff.

He is eating normally now, both crickets and woodies. But not so fussed on veggies/fruit now. Niether is she. They ate them well the first couple of days when I brought them home, but arent interested now. Still taking the puree baby food without too much hassle & water from the syringe easily. I guess Im spoiling them a bit :)
That's ok :) they sound like they deserve spoiling:)

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That's awesome news on the fecal! Spoil the as much as you like I bet they loving it!

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Waiting for his lunch... he still goes a bit dark at times, and his eyes are still a little dull, but they are so much better than what they were. And he is now always peeking out at me at the same time every day knowing its dinner time.


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Wow you can see the difference between the two photos now. He doesn't look like he just wants to die. So glad!

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