Eastern Beardie help

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Now that he is eating normal quantities of woodies/crickets, should I take him off the puree veggies/fruit???

Also, any ideas why his poop is the way it is? It is just undigested roach parts, wings, legs etc.. Whereas hers is properly formed pellets. Im not sure what else I could be/should be doing to improve his digestion..
You can take him off it if you like but it's good to just make sure hes getting water and stuff, cause you can mix things with it and he takes it easy. If he is digesting properly then you could take him off

Otherwise I wouldnt

Just wait until you can see that he is digesting things properly, then you could take him off I'd say. It is a very good scource of water though. But yeah, just depends if hes digesting :)

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Also you can give him some natural yoghurt to try and increase his gut bacteria a little bit more. My beardie Roo, when he eats bugs he has undigested bug heads in it. So there are SOME parts of the insect that pass through whole but the majority should be digested.
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I'll leave him on it a bit longer.... Won't hurt him... And I'll get him onto some yoghurt tomorrow... He isn't digesting woodies much at all, so I'll keep the purée going, as I also add water to it... Might mix some yoghurt with his purée I think...
I have several beardies, who sometimes pass partially undigested bugs, sometimes fully digested bugs and vary from sloppy stinky messes to normal turds so I wouldn't stress too much.
It's really good you have managed to perk him up this much,didn't look good earlier.
Thanks... It's has been a learning curve.... Vet wants to see him Friday for a check up. So I'll take him along.. He has actually put on nearly 200grams in just over a week, so that is great... Can't feel or see his hip bones anymore, and he actually has a belly now, not just wrinkled skin....
I still feel something isn't quite right, as he is quite black a lot of the time, only at feeding time does he turn a pretty yellow...

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Normal poop today! Properly formed pellets... Vet is super happy with him, was honest and said he didn't think bazil would make it when he saw him at the start... I'm feeling much better now that he is doing all the right things...

I know meal worms aren't to be used as a whole diet, but would a few hurt him here and there?

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Some pics, he is now 285grams, he was only 105. Still a way to go, but he will get there I think... She is 300grams. At least his eyes are open now :)


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One of the reasons mealworms aren't THAT good is basically because they lack the nutrition needed, and they have hard skins that can be difficult to digest. Seeing as his digestion is only just now coming good, and that he still needs all the nutrition he can get I would just avoid them. You can always get him some earth worms though if you wanna try something different. If you have a natural compost bin give him some of those just to change things up. If you dont just get some cardboard and put it on the dirt and keep it wet. You'll have worms in no time. Dunno if silk worms are in season but get some of those too
Also, any ideas why his poop is the way it is? It is just undigested roach parts, wings, legs etc.. Whereas hers is properly formed pellets. Im not sure what else I could be/should be doing to improve his digestion..

His digestive system is re-adjusting to being feed.

You should be proud he looks great (had my fingers crossed for you lol), I would stay away from meal worms until he has put on more bulk and then only as a treat, super worms are better for them.
Is there anything I could be doing to make them want to eat their veggies? They did in the start when I got them, but seems now that I have been spoiling them a bit much, they don't even look at them....

also, as these are my introduction into beardie adults, as I only got my Pygmy beardies before Christmas and they are a breeze, how often should I be feeding these two, and what is a good quantity of woodies/crickets for them to eat...my vet told me to just let them go for it until they have enough, but if I do that they just wouldn't stop eating.... I think I've bought my local herp shop out of large crickets on more than one occasion...
Should be about 70 percent veggies 30 percent bugs. Make their veggies exciting by adding come color put some squash in there which most love add some flowers nisturshem are great. My beardie loves the flowers! But yeah use bright colors and that should get em interested

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these are the flowers. They can eat everything. Leaves and stalks too. Leave the flowers whole just give me a rinse and they will love em!

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Em* awks lol

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these are the flowers. They can eat everything. Leaves and stalks too. Leave the flowers whole just give me a rinse and they will love em!

Nasturtium Plant is the name if you wanted.
searching for some of that plant..... Niether of them will touch their veggies, no matter how colourful I make it.. He must be feeling okay now, he is a handful to handle. Very fiesty. Not that its a problem, i didnt get them to cuddle. But he makes it a challenge to move him around for cleaning/feeding.. :)
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It grows pretty much everywhere so shouldn't be too hard:)

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He is fine now, both of them are.... still cant get them to eat any veggies or fruit, but ill keep persisting with them.. In the meantime Im making sure their woodies and crickets are getting a good fresh diet...
That's great. Don give up! They can be stubborn little guys!

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What kind of veggies are you giving them?

Try Mushroom, Bok Choy, Strawberries, Blueberries, Dandelions, Peas. Endive is great if you can get it also.
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