Enclosure Building...

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2009
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Rochedale, Qld
Does anyone know where I can get some sliding door tracks? I'm building an enclosure and my dad want's to try all this crazy stuff... don't ask. It would be alot easier if I could just get my hands on some tracking for the sliging doors...

Thanks ^_^
I had a loot, couldn't see any. But I didn't ask anyone... do you know what section? so I can direct my mother?
i recently built an enclosure and had so much trouble trying to find tracks. I found a place called lincoln sentry who makes all these kinda things at a great price. You should be able to find aluminium importers who stock that kind of thing at a really good price. Just a matter of looking:|

Hoope that helps
I got plastic tracking from Bunnings in the section that keeps sliding door stuff, near the cabinet accessories.

Cost 'around' $18 for 2 pcs at 1.8 metres or $25 for 2.4metres. Only top and bottom track in the pack, so I used some off cuts for the vertical ends. Comes in white or brown. It's supposed to have holes in it to nail to the cabinet, but I just used contact adhesive on the bottom, worked fine.

If you use glass with it, the edges and corners of the glass will have to be polished and rounded or it will cut away at the plastic over time.
I called bunnings and they said the groove in the tracking is 6mm wide... is that right?
Apparently that's the thinest I can get...
I called bunnings and they said the groove in the tracking is 6mm wide... is that right?
Apparently that's the thinest I can get...

It is for 5mm glass, comes in packs of 1200mm and 1800mm lengths (top and bottom tracks). It is made by a company called Cowdroy and is sold through various retailers including bunnings. Details of this product are available at http://www.cowdroy.com.au/bb&plastrk.pdf

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