Well-Known Member
ok so yesterday ive got two female rats with 10 pinks each ,but tonight i get home and one of the rats has ate 5 of her pinks and striped the skin of two of them i know its grusome but can it be possible to just have evil rats:evil: as this is the third one in about that many weeks to have done this .How can you tell weather they are going to do this, is there anyway to avoid this from happening she is now in the belly of my carpet so her days are over .She was in a tub by herself fed fresh veg and eats staple of a baristoc rat/mouse pellet as well as getting some dog food mixed through 'not a lot mind you 'but a bit fresh water and its only got down to about 15 degrees in there at night.As ive only been breeding rats a short while its just a bit crap that every time i get up some sort of stock , the evil little buggars eat them. I got the rats from a guy near where i live he had about 200 or so going and had been breeding for about 7 months so there is a chance of some inbreeding taking place before i got my first gang of rats could this be the reason for my troubles .Anyway was mad as:x:x about it happening again