Extra luggage beardie?

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Hey im wondering how i would take a beardie on a plane with me just as extra luggage.......If possible
cheers ben
To where?? But, anyway, I doubt it....

AAE is a safe option.
i dont think you can, you would have to orgainse them through the live cargo area.
yeah i wanted to see if i could take it from gladdy to brizzy with me as appose to paying for it then a ticket 4 me aswell (im going with it lol)
actually the first time i bought a BD and it had to fly from Sydney to here it had to come as freight they told me if i had known anyone on the plane i could have got it done as hand luggage and cheaper then sent as freight

ask and im sure so long as its packaged properly you could have it sent as luggage with you

only one way to know for sure and that's to ask when you organise your ticket
Just going on a nice holiday with your beardie ben? 8]

Nah both turned out as males so iv sold one but im not dropping him off till i go to S&T so ima take him with me to drop off lol

What have u got now? (random questionlol)
just put it in your bag maybe? its a local flight and im sure it would be fine not legaly but moraly if thats the right word?
hmmmmm nah i dont want him to get squished and they xray the carry on luggage so they be all why is a bd in here lol
You will be breaking several laws if you try and carry the animal onto the plane with you, if you get busted you'll be in deep... If you include it in luggage, and your bag is x-rayed, you'll be in serious trouble again. The ONLY LEGAL WAY to ship a reptile by air is use a compliant container (I believe this is wood now), book it in with AaE prior to the flight, and lodge it at the freight terminal at the time they tell you. You will get a concessional rate if you travel at the same time.

You are definitely not permitted to carry the animal into the cabin on your person or in your carry-on bag.

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