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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2009
Reaction score
gold coast
hi there i am thinking about getting into selling pythons & i have heard a few things & just wanted to know what is true & whats false

after buying a python u need to keep it for a minimum time eg 6months before selling again?

is there a minimum age for selling pythons???

do i need to do anything other then a movement advice for them when i sell them?

umm thats all i can think of at the moment i will add some more questions when i think of them. sorry if these question r basic but i just want to know & any other info u can tell me would b great. please note i am in QLD so i want to know qld rules

Not an expert by any means but yes you have to keep any herp after purchase for 6 months, as far as I know all you need is movement advice...I'm sure I'll be corrected if I got it wrong :p
unless selling to someone interstate all you need is a movement advice, yep 6 months minimum, but i think its diferent if you breed them as in you dont have to keep hatchies for 6 months....i think
i dont believe there's a minimum age for selling pythons, but when I buy I like to know how many feeds/shed's they've had. so maybe after theyve shed a few times and are regular feeders then you could sell them.
and possibly provide the above mentioned feed/shed record and give it to the buyer on purchase.
you could also just sell when theyre born, but if you havent established feeding/shedding, then they should only be sold to someone who knows what theyre doing.
If you are buying and selling you will be classed as a dealer and as such will need a diffferant licence to the one you hold now. You will also be limited in what type of reptiles you are able to sell.
i see that ur from vic is it the same in qld? cos i know each state has different rules
you recreational licence is fine to sell under in queensland.you can sell hatchlings you have bred yourself anytime but the common courtesy is to have them up and feeding consistantly before selling unless other arrangments are made.
if you purchase an animal ,you are required to have it in your possesion for 6 months before you sell it.however,if it arrives and it is the wrong sex or some other issue that your not happy with,you can get in contact with the EPA and they MAY allow you to move it on under the 6 month time frame.
the law is to try and stop people from buying a heap of animals cheaply and selling them off at an inflated price a week later for a quick buck.
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