Fertile / infertile??

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2008
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South West Victoria
Hi all, my beardy has just layed her second clutch - 21 days after the first. she actually layed one on the ground when she did a small poop. I thought I had a few days still to go, obviously not so in went the lay box, and in she went. 2hrs later - 15eggs. While i was putting those into the incubator, she dropped another 2 on the floor of the enclosure!!!!. One was slightly crushed and the other was fine. She Had started to bury the 15 in the box - so I thought she had finished???

Anyway, I put a light through them b/f incubating, and could only see minimal vessells if any at all. The eggs look very good, white and plump, however have a yellowy tinge to them when candelled.

Should they straight away after laying have a redy / pink tinge to them??? I didnt candle her first clutch on laying but have recently, and they all look good
A bit worried that these are all infertile???
Any ideas?

No idea, I would just incubate them as normal. If they are infertile then they will start to go off in a few days I think.
I candled mine when they were first laid & they didn't look too great & then I candled them again about a week later & they looked fine, lot's of blood vessels & the yellow tinge was gone.
Kyro summed it up,
Maccie eggs candle great straight from laying, some lizards take longer to really show good veins,
Fertility wouldnt be the problem esp if the first clutch was ok, just whether moving/crushing the egg too much might have killed the embryo,
Beardy eggs are quite hardy, so look positively at it,
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