Finding snakes in the wild *HELP*

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Heyy, im going for a walk soon into the bush. I live in sydney just south of the central coast. I want to know where to look for them and how to find them. I am going where there is a small stream that in some spots goes into a small pool.

Im not taking any from the bush to keep by the way, i'm just seeing what i can find

Well that seems like a good spot. I've seen quite a few snakes in te bush, mainly Green Tree Snakes. Green Tree Snakes like water, and most of the ones I've seen were in a stream looking for fish. Remember to also look in trees, I found a Brown Tree Snake simply by looking up in a tree once. Happy Herping!
i have been herping on the coast for about a year and half now and have found countless dimond pythons. iv found that they like the rocky rigers facing west were they ge the most of the hot arvo sun. brown tree and green trees also love this area just befor sunset they come out on to the hot rocks to get warm befor going out for the night, good luck mate.
now im being accused that im going to take them out of the wild... great
Hey how much are you gonna be selling the diamonds for? Or are they just for your own collection?
Please leave the snakes and any other species of Reptile alone out in the wild where they belong, let them all enjoy their freedom why they can and go about their everyday life,searching for food and a partner to breed with and freshair and sunlight outdoors, and not being stress out by being grab by some human hand.
Im confused he just asked for tips on herping and everyone is accusing him of poaching, I can see some infractions being put on.
your slack man...... taking from the wild.......:lol::lol::lol::lol: (jokes)
Most people on this forum are so far removed from the bush (nature) that the idea of viewing animals in the wild is a threat to their lazyboy (couch) herpetology studies.
Mate go out there and enjoy looking for species you are yet to find in the wild. Nothing compares to seeing things in their natural environment for the first time.
I agree Snowman, getting out there with a camera is what it's really all about.... and you never know, you just might learn something along the way....
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