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Very Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Northern Beaches Sydney
I'm no reptile removalist but my mate called me and said there was a snake on the road in dee why Sydney! Not a whole lot of bush any where near there! Beautiful snake! What do you think wild or some ones escaped pet? I'm going to call my friend at wires so he can remove the ticks of it and release it into the bush!


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I'm no reptile removalist but my mate called me and said there was a snake on the road in dee why Sydney! Not a whole lot of bush any where near there! Beautiful snake! What do you think wild or some ones escaped pet? I'm going to call my friend at wires so he can remove the ticks of it and release it into the bush!

DAMN That Diamond Is absolutely STUNNING
It is an amazing snake never seen a diamond so yellow! The picture doesn't do it justice! Spoke to my friend at wires and he said just release it myself! So will be taking it down to manly dam tomorrow!
I wonder how many of the stolen snakes lizards etc that get taken, just get released cos they can't be sold or don't want them anymore!
It makes you think!
That is an incredible diamond. Lucky it didnt get run over, that would have been such a shame.
It is an amazing snake never seen a diamond so yellow! The picture doesn't do it justice! Spoke to my friend at wires and he said just release it myself! So will be taking it down to manly dam tomorrow!

Don't worry about the dam mate, just relocate it to your lounge room :D
Don't worry about the dam mate, just relocate it to your lounge room :D
Yer y not after reading this kind of stuff this week u may as well keep it ...dont wry renewing ya licence next yr and start a breeding program...and while u at it make sure u stock up on corns boas and retics...cause no one will come and catch ya ....just save on yur licence fee we pay for WHAT
I would love to keep it but it belongs to the wild! Like oz Said it's not the rite thing to do! Such a stunning snake tho! So glad to still see wild snakes around Sydney!
I have seen a few diamonds at west head but dee why is suburbia I was very surprised to see such a nice animal there
I don't know myself but is that typical of diamonds found around that area?
Just behind DY, is Narraweena, so not a great stretch......In my experience of Beeches Diamonds, thats a very nice escapee......
Looks like a natural integrade, which would mean coastals will be close by too. Nice snake for sure I'd remove the ticks and release somewhere good. Just be carefull about releasing near water as that's red belly territory and their carnivorous... Tho this big guy looks like he could hold his own
Hey mate, I am born and bred Long Reef. And do snake relocation as a job up here on the Central Coast. Don't take that snake to Manly Dam, there is heaps of bush in Dee Why.
I would be interested to know where exactly you found it (pm). It is not integrade at all, it is diamond.
If you want to pm me I can help you to find its home range and release it there, where it should be. cheers
Hey mate, I am born and bred Long Reef. And do snake relocation as a job up here on the Central Coast. Don't take that snake to Manly Dam, there is heaps of bush in Dee Why.
I would be interested to know where exactly you found it (pm). It is not integrade at all, it is diamond.
If you want to pm me I can help you to find its home range and release it there, where it should be. cheers

Hey cement I released it today at manly dam! Where would you of suggested?
my friend found it crossing the road on Delmar pde near stoney range! I was thinking of letting it go there but it's only a small amount of bush land rite next to a main road!
Thats where she should have gone mate, either there or the forest around dee why lagoon.
Taking it Manly dam, though you have the animals best interest at heart, its not a good idea and against our NPWS rules for release. It is now competition for the local population up there, and possibly introducing disease from an isolated pocket, into a much larger area. On the bright side though if she isn't a health risk then she may strengthen the gene pool up there.
Even though she could get nailed on the road at Delmar Pde, or Pittwater Rd, thats not for us to decide. They aren't endangered, so the odd dead one doesn't make a difference. Best for them to stay in their own home range even if it seems weird to us. You would be surprised at how well they can live and move around suburbia, even with dogs around etc.
Wow, that is a very impressive snake!

Today I took the family to Long Reef. Since I have young children we went to the shallow lagoon (Dee Why Lagoon) at the bottom end of the car park. At about 2:30 pm this arvo I walked from the lagoon back to the car park and to my great surprise, encountered a large Eastern Brown snake. It was as startled as I was, and quickly slid from one side of the sandy walkway into the scrub on the other side. It was about 5 ft long. Very dark brown. I was very surprised to see a snake down there! Unfortunately I didn't have any camera or phone with me to get a pic.

Maybe you could have yourself another adventure this afternoon and go check it out...
Completely understand cement! This being the first I've come across in a residential area tho I kinda wanted to put it back were there's less roads and people who would ether kill it or take it home! I spoke to a friend at WIRES and he said ether stoney manly dam or west head!

I won't be looking for that brown vens are to agile for me haha
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