This morning we woke to our new spotted python laying eggs!!
We only just brought her off shooshoo. (thank you) It looks like there is only about 5 eggs.
As this is our first ever eggs and we were not expecting them we don't have a incubator so i have a couple of questions.
1. How long can you leave the eggs with the mother before moving them?
2. She has laid them in the enclosure ontop of where the heat matt sits underneath, the temp is around 30-31 degrees on the floor is this ok for her and the eggs to leave her for the next week or two until we get an incubator?
3. What is the best temp to have the floor of the enclosure at?
4. What should we do we are so excited but so worried we will do the wrong thing and loose them, we are to scared to look and see how many eggs there is under her coils but the egg we did she was pretty big so i don't think there would be to many.
The only egg we did see was a nice white but had a small bit of yellow on 1 end (Just on the tip of the egg) Does this mean its a slug?
Thanks for the help and im sure we will have more questions to ask!
As this is our first ever eggs and we were not expecting them we don't have a incubator so i have a couple of questions.
1. How long can you leave the eggs with the mother before moving them?
2. She has laid them in the enclosure ontop of where the heat matt sits underneath, the temp is around 30-31 degrees on the floor is this ok for her and the eggs to leave her for the next week or two until we get an incubator?
3. What is the best temp to have the floor of the enclosure at?
4. What should we do we are so excited but so worried we will do the wrong thing and loose them, we are to scared to look and see how many eggs there is under her coils but the egg we did she was pretty big so i don't think there would be to many.
The only egg we did see was a nice white but had a small bit of yellow on 1 end (Just on the tip of the egg) Does this mean its a slug?
Thanks for the help and im sure we will have more questions to ask!