frog rub

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2007
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my mum owns 3 gtfs, and two of them have scrapes on thier nose from the flywire that covers the top of the tank.

i know that for scrapes and cuts like this some use a betadine solution? i have bought some betadine antiseptic ointment, and i do not know how much to use, or what to use to dilute it. just water? and how often to apply it.

any help would be appreciated :)

Nat ;) x
As long as the tank / water is kept clean, their noses will heal quickly on their own. The most important thing to do is to change the enclosure so they can't keep rubbing their noses, as they will just keep on rubbing if not sorted out..
hmmm :? i wish my mother would listen to me but i doubt that.. ill just have to drum it into her head even moreso then i already am.. they cant keep being kept like they are, its not too bad, its just that they are too close to the top of the tank which is made of flywire.. which is bad for frogs to rub against i know. also they dont have much land, so they are always on the same rock in the middle which i find annoying :( ill just have to 'clean' the tank for her while shes away and 'accidently' move some things around.
ive already tried telling her these things on more then one occasion.. shes just too damn lazy...
plus they dont always get a regular feed, again mums fault (im fixing this, im ordering a BIG batch of crix and breeding them myself so she doesnt have an excuse) i told her to get some pinky mice to build up thier fat content for the time being, we were at the pet shop and she DIDNT get them... im actually rather appalled at it all.

but im working on it, and helping out when i feel i need to step in.
i suppose its all a learning curve :|

Nat ;) x
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