Almost Legendary
Chytrid or not you should be keeping them warm anyway as it will help their immune system fight of whatever it is
Unfortunately red leg loves warm humid weather. Oh and RedEyeGirl be sure to have worn disposable gloves and to wash your hands as if it is Red Leg you can get Cholera from it. also If the frog is not in contact or not housed near any other infected frogs. STAY AWAY from it. Both are highly contagious you risk the chance of spreading the illness.He's right, from my understanding of Chytrid if you increase the temps the frogs slough more often and it limits the Chytrid fungus population. If it is red leg I'm not sure how the bacterial species (probably aeromonas) will respond to increased temps. Since Dannyboi has dealt with red leg he might have more of an idea on how aeromonas (or the other potential bacterial causes) will respond to the increased temps