Not so new Member
Hi Guys,
I recently bought myself a couple of thicktail geckos.. The female was gravid when I bought her. She has just laid 2 eggs, and Im not sure what I should do with them. I have asked the guys at both herp shops and have had conflicting opinions which just confused me.. Whilst I have no intentions of being a 'breeder' as such. Id like to give them a go. So what I have been told by 2 different herp guys is
a) leave them in the enclosure and dont even touch them and they will be fine
b) take them out straight away and get them into an incubator (but he couldnt tell me what temp)...
So what do I do? I am set up for either option.. If I leave them in the enclosure is it safe to pick them up and move them to a safer part of the enclsoure? She has just randomly dropped them in seperate spots.
Any advice would be really appreciated.
I recently bought myself a couple of thicktail geckos.. The female was gravid when I bought her. She has just laid 2 eggs, and Im not sure what I should do with them. I have asked the guys at both herp shops and have had conflicting opinions which just confused me.. Whilst I have no intentions of being a 'breeder' as such. Id like to give them a go. So what I have been told by 2 different herp guys is
a) leave them in the enclosure and dont even touch them and they will be fine
b) take them out straight away and get them into an incubator (but he couldnt tell me what temp)...
So what do I do? I am set up for either option.. If I leave them in the enclosure is it safe to pick them up and move them to a safer part of the enclsoure? She has just randomly dropped them in seperate spots.
Any advice would be really appreciated.