going out in the sun

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Hey everyone I have a number of juvie pythons various breeds all between about 7-9 months old just wanted some advice and opinions about taking them out side to have a crawl on the grass and just have a little "play" and how long will I leave them there(fully supervised of course) seing as they can over heat quite quickly thank you everyone
i do it with my snakes and i think it helps with their colours and they almost always crap on the grass aswell
Just don't put them in a glass tank whatever you do! I know that's a given... but some people don't get it. :p
No Lady j thats an obvious no no thanks byron
I take mine out nearly every day, they love it!
i do it with my snakes and i think it helps with their colours and they almost always crap on the grass aswell

second that about the having a crap...when i see some of my big pythons looking they are ready anytime soon...I take them out on the grass and sure enough within 2mins of being on the lawn ... saves alot of cleaning in the encloser :p hahahha

They seem to love it...at the start it seems like its overwhelming but after few times out they really start cruzing around and have a look..really have to keep an eye on some of mine because damn we have had a darwin make it up the tree within like 1min of me turning my back and was out of reach...by the time I came out with the step ladder ...i needed the lader...she made it up about 10foot..had a blast but me not so much hahah very hard to get down hahah!!! only happend the once and never again hahahahaha :p
thanks for your comments if any of mine are awake through the day will start taking them out there are are little trees out the frount they will enjoy the climb
Just don't put them in a glass tank whatever you do! I know that's a given... but some people don't get it. :p

Same applies with plastic tubs. They will hold heat as much as the glass does.

I love taking mine outside. They seem to enjoy slithering around the yard. I also have a net enclosure (portable clothes basket from Camping World) that sits on my table on my veranda. They get the morning sun. Have pot plants around them so they have some shade, too. Then you can leave them there for a while and not worry about them disappearing. Just watch the birds. They will come in and try to steal a free feed.

Oh, thought I'd add, beware of high temps when you take them out. If the ground is too hot they won't like it. But you will have a new best friend as they try to climb up your legs to get away from the hotness of the grass underneath them. Sounds strange but in 40+ heat, the grass does get hot, especially if its dry. That and the hot sun beating down will stress them. I did it once or twice and realised my snakes did not like being in the heat. So pick the time of the day when the sun isn't too hot for them.
We have a big trampoline.

Its not unusuall for us to b out there basking and chatting on the weekend. By 'us' i mean, two kids, two dragons, two dogs, a Coastal and me.

Mind you the local kookaburras usualy sit in the gum tree next door keeping an eye on us.
as a newbie do you have too worry about mites cheers bazz
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