Very Well-Known Member
All the best for today guys...wish I could be there myself....I hope to see lots of wonderful photos and comments!
Sounds awesome. And as always, we have a printable version available on our site at Name Tag - Aussie Pythons & SnakesJust a reminder that everyone can grab an APS nametag from my table (look for the banner that says sakura)
great show... i thought they were going to do prizes as well? unless I'm just blind and didn't see the sign up section...
Was as soon as you walked in the door I'm pretty sure...they did them at the end of the Vens demos
Was a good expo, saw some amazing animals. That Albino Olive and the strange BHP were certainly quite stunning. Who was running the area with the mite phase GTP and wheeleri? Also I liked the painted dragon a lot, think I'm in love, have to get one now.
Unfortunately I wasnt there long enough to meet anyone, I saw Just Plain Nuts at his stand with his amazing enclosures but he looked busy. Overall nice expo, very nice animals.