Private breeder..
and before you do.. ask on here for recommendations of good breeders.
i went through all this about 6 months go.. you are definitely in the right place for information and have done the correct thing in asking about how to get things set up and correct before your new member of the family arrives.
I got a woma python. It was 4 months old when he came to me.
I placed him in a 50ltr plastic storage tub from Mitre 10..
some say this might be a bit big but it worked out well for me.. I placed this container on a 600mm x 400mm “tile sandwich“ that I made with two tiles and a heat cord.
i hooked this up to an Inkbird wifi thermostat and also had aseperate inkbird thermometer to keep a check of the temp at the cool end..
the inkbird thermostat is available on Amazon for around $50..
for substrate I used paper towel..
I bought a small $20 hide “cave“ from petbarn and used a small glass dish I had lying around as a water bowl. I put a piece of timber dowel across the enclosure even though Woma’s arent known for curling up around a branch etc..
It may sound slightly overwhelming to get this all up and running but its really easy..
i wish I had more photos of the set up but I have moved him into his big enclosure now and dismantled this original set up..

Oh.. and as you can see. As well as putting paper towel down as substrate I also ripped strips of it and piled them in one corner to act as ”leaves” that he could hide under and explore in..