Greebo leaving, why I left and some thought to go forward.

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If this is the general consensus, ie chit chat only in the Chit Chat forum, I'm sure everyone will be happy to comply. I would certainly 'tow the party line' so to speak if this is what the majority prefers.

I also think that many people like the conversational nature of the site.

Perhaps SJ could get a poll together, and we'll let the results speak for themselves, and adjust our posting and moderating accordingly?

i personally dont think a poll would alter anything, even if the general consensus of the group returned a negative result to serious topics turning saft (english word for silly :p) i still feel it would happen....

some comments made by members can sometimes be toooooo hard to avoid responding to in a silly <snarf> i like cheese, <STP> so do vermin, that turned that topic from serious to silly.

just my two bobs worth

Leader of the Love the Glove Party
The conversation goes the way the conversation goes, funnily enough just like in real life. I for one like the way this site is run, ie, not tooo seriously. There are many sites out there so successful that some of them even get two or three posts a day. This site is alive thanks to the way the Slateys let the membership carry on mainly as they see fit and only rarely stepping in to pull someone or something into line. I say let the site continue as the site is now even if it costs us an odd member here and there. Pinkie didn't leave, Spilota Chic didn't leave but is holidaying so the situation is not as serious as some would like to believe.
It is to many different people around the world. Not many perfect ones. I would like the people to be exactly as they was till today. It is nothing wrong if things are not running perfectly and if some of us joke little and if this community would change to serious scientific perfect site, i will enjoy it less. Thank you all the members for great hearth and friendly spirit. Don't let your self down. You are all GREAT.
i agree with slatey, i also think that people on this site take things too seriously. We sometimes like to have fun and joke around at times, its human nature and a little bit of real life thrown in there too. Sometimes the issues that are dealt with in the forums can get quite serious and its good to lighten things up a little at times. This site can not be a successful community if people are not allowed to have their say or comment on things wether we believe it or not or wether its misinformed or not...thats how we learn. Even these kids that are posting, they may not always be right about things, no one knows everything, we can help them with the right information. If a kid on this site wants to own a croc when they are older, then so be it, we should nurture their goals and maybe he/she will be the next Steve Irwin (god help us). I feel proud to be a part of this community/family and i think everyone should feel proud also, we have continuously helped newbies to become good snake carers and even though sometimes we are telling people the same stuff over and over we continue to do it because we are caring people. We have to stick together so we can continue to help people in the future and keep this excellent community going so many more people can benefit from it.
couldnt have said it better myself,well actually i wouldnt of had a clue what i was talking about being a kid and all :lol:
:) Well said Afro and Bangle.

The world is serious enough as it is, and a bit of light heartedness doesn't go astray.

I go into this site two to three (sometimes even more) times a day. Most of the time I have nothing to say, but enjoy the to-ing and fro-ing of other members. :)

Cheers, Artie
Ok, here is my 2 cents on the topic. I am fairly new to the site, and am a member of about 4-5 other sites, the reason I stick with this one is 'cause of the members. It always felt like being in someone's living room with family members discussing and bickering about topics. The family angle was proven when some of the members got old man slatey a beat of a pyhton to substitue(cant replace) his stolen one. While I can understand the die hard approach to the information aspect of the site, the world is serious enough, enjoy some good natured people and enjoy your herps.
Blessings Moses
Well said Jas and Moses. I could newer imagine that i will feel so close to anybody through the internet. Thanks to members of this site i know now that i gain many great friends. You are not just people i know from net anymore. I AM proud TO BE MEMBER OF THIS GROUP>
what ever

Just as i tred litely on the subject

i do some times agree with mark and greebo..there are times when i wait for serious post on serious topics only to find the tread has gone while there is still so much left to say.
how ever some of the light hearted banter has been well timed and has averted some nastyer exchanges of views when the seriousness gets out of hand.
as far as the site. Its great how it is, the last thing we want is to lose the freindly attitude that is usally present.
cheers paul.
I have also been responsible for degrading the conversations on occasion but all in good fun. I think in reality if someone asks a serious question the first few answers are invariably quite serious and range from the truely expert (eg pythonss et al) and the home grown experts (Africa/Lutz/Nic/Spilota_Chic etc etc) who answer with what has worked for them.

As a newbie, this site is quite relaxed in its moderation and people can contribute regardless of their association and experience with snakes with at least a small component in the site.

That is what makes this place a community. People can come and express their opinions and have a good time.
Serious help is also available when required (with a few mandatory anecdotes).

That is also why people check this site 3-5 times a day and the rest of the sites are lucky to get a couple of posts a day.

APS is different and thats why I come here.

Cheers Hawkeye
i only been here couple weeks but this site ROCKS!
snakes are cool!!!
naked chicks are cool to!!
yous got both onfront page
thats cool!!
Hey, on a lighter note, have you guys heard the one about the nun and the porn star?................................

Sorry Mark, couldn't help myself. I do sometimes cringe watching the downward spiral of some threads into nonsense, but I don't know that I'd trade it for strait up seriousness either. I guess, it will be what it will be, and sometimes that means goofing around. I have to say, when it gets too serious around here, seems like feelings start getting bruised. I for one like a little bit of light-hearted banter in with my daily dose of APS.

Yeah, yeah, enough already with the serious stuff. FINISH THE JOKE!!! :cry: :shock:
I don't use the site much anymore, it is mostly crap that is spoken, and not much that is educational. it appears to be the same ' voices' all the time that waffle on, that have a lot of free time, and nowhere to go that supply the crap. it could do with some serious talk for a while
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