Green tree python handling.

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I'm with you GT steve, fed up hearing about the fragility of the gtp's a snake is a snake surely. Who can squash or harm a snake simply by holding it?? I am very gentle with mine and don;t sqeeze them in fact mhy coastal squeezes me quite often.
I'm confused, do you own one, or are you equating holding a coastal to holding a gtp?
Baby greens

i personally don't believe they are that fragile within reason, we handle ours [hatchies through to adults]....we don't yank them off a perch we gently and i mean gently uncoil them and then handle them exactly the same as our bredli's we have always done this and i believe and so do several witnesses with no ill affects...the only aspect i am big on is we don't even think about sexing [probing] them until [14] months of age....cheers solar 17 [baden] ...i have kept this species for a considerable period of time and this is only my opinion..
14 months for probing sounds good to me. 12 months is what I've read as recommended, but I know I'd want to wait a couple more months.

I'm personally not against handling the little buggers to get them to change perches, or something like that, especially when it's an experienced keeper doing it. I'm just against the idea of it being generally ok to do it, because more people have access to them these days, such as myself, and some of them may not be experienced enough to say, not flinch when it bites, or not squeeze too hard if it freaks out and tries to dive for the floor etc etc.

I think that the general information floating around this site about the matter needs to be to err on the side of caution, if you do it at all, outside of changing perches around etc.

At the end of the day, people are going to do what they think is correct with their snake, but the last thing we need is newbies coming on here, buying a GTP, and not finding material that warns them of their fragility.
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please tell me were u can get a $200,000 Lamborghini, i'm dying to know.......;)

Are you telling me your going to take the word of someone who can't even spell the name seriously? :lol: I don't know cars at all but was trying to make my point :lol:
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