On the other hand, I'll try and add somthing constructive to this for you
Being a snake that likes to spend its days in shrubs and tree's, the higher the enclosure you have, the better. Looks like you've taken care of that, but remember, they are a pretty active snake and it would be nice to give them a little bit of space to cruise around in, stretch out and explore.
You should see if you can get yourself some plastic tree's that fit your enclosure nicely (these look nice, offer the snake a place to feel secure and also climb on) and also some vines and perches.
In the way of enclosures, a wooden bird box, hollow log (you'll find these at any aquarium store) or similar manufactured hide would be fine. A place to hide at the top, middle and floor of the enclosure is good if you can fit it in, because although they spend most of their time in the tree's, they do occasionally hang out on the ground.
Temperatures I would assume would be pretty safe at 25-29deg c, but its best to offer a temperature gradient in different areas of the enclosure and a warm basking spot for him up high to choose from.
Another thing I've also found helpful with the hollow logs was to cut them in half and make a latch/pivot attachment to open them easily and access the snake if he's hiding in there and you need to get him/find him for any reason.
Hope that helps.