Very Well-Known Member
I used the "plastic" fly wire mesh, not the metal, for the reason of nose rubbing and it's a bit cheaper 
What size/width dowel did you use?
What type of water bowl is thta?
Please excuse what seems to be a redundant question but I've searched this and other forums and I'm still not clear...
The heat mat I bought was a small ExoTerra one and I was planning to put a tile into the click-clack above the heat mat. Do I just sit the click-clack on top of the hear mat or do I put the heat mat inside of the click-clack? If the mat is going to sit under the click-clack should I use polystyrene foam or MDF under the heatmat to protect the table top? Similarly if the mat is going inside of the click-clack should I put polystyrene foam or MDF under the heatmat to protect the plastic of the click-clack?
Thanks in anticpation of someone with experience and patience answering my question! ;-)
Hey, insted of using a soldering iron, what about a drill? or is the plastic too thick