Well-Known Member
What a load of codswallop Rob, Everybody cares what people think of them (esp if they make out that they don't) !!!!
The Rock said:HA HA HA LOVE IT.!!!!!!!!!
Well come on, the guy had a go at me, I was only stating a fact. Your all correct thou most people think Im an arrogant a---h---, but Im not really, Its just my manerisims, you see Ive never being one of those people that pussy-foots around people. I dont give a toss what anyone thinks of me, If they heve a problem Its theres not mine I couldnt care less.
The Rock said:Not me, never have, never will,
playwell said:Please no offence meant towards you, 8) but there is going to be a lot of people arching up about responses from you if you dont consider the tone used in your posts, some things you say may be deemed as rude/offensive.
Remeber not the entire picture of a situation is made clear by someones short writings in a post.
So please dont be so quike in scalding somebody.
I think everybody would like an objective friendly opinion from an experienced herper, but nobody will listen to unfriendly remarks from anybody, even if what said is true or not.
The Rock said:I dont give a toss what anyone thinks of me, If they heve a problem Its theres not mine I couldnt care less.
Is that why you post in peoples threads " trying" to give them advice?
BiteAndSqueeze said:I think the Rock rocks. He certainly make these discussions interesting.
Can I ask what other people's opinions are as to how often a snake should be handled?
I am sure if you ask an experienced breeder they will very rarely touch their snakes.
Even the nice quiet ones will flinch if you just touch them softy as they sit in their enclosure and will struggle to get away if they have the chance.