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Not me, never have, never will, and if you know anyone that knows me Im sure they will agree. I see so many people that stress about what other people think of them and I just cant for the life of me comprehend it. Maybee theres some thing wrong with me I dont know. Im not violent or any thing in fact quite the opposite, I just dont care.
The Rock said:
HA HA HA LOVE IT.!!!!!!!!!
Well come on, the guy had a go at me, I was only stating a fact. Your all correct thou most people think Im an arrogant a---h---, but Im not really, Its just my manerisims, you see Ive never being one of those people that pussy-foots around people. I dont give a toss what anyone thinks of me, If they heve a problem Its theres not mine I couldnt care less.

me too Rob.. i've been told i come across as arrogant b---- but i couldnt give a toss, it affects my day zero, i couldnt be bothered mincing words.. :).. but i do care what my hubby and kids think of me though :)

as for the diamond i have no idea, i have a darwin juvie that thinks it is ten foot tall and indestructable, bites at you as you open the tub :) even bites the food a few times before she eats it but is a champion eater, i just leave her alone for the most part and handle her when i change or clean her tub.. either she will settle down as she ages or ill pass her off to someone who can deal with being bitten all the time:)
The Rock said:
Not me, never have, never will,

Yes,Thats called being arrogant

Please no offence meant towards you, 8) but there is going to be a lot of people arching up about responses from you if you dont consider the tone used in your posts, some things you say may be deemed as rude/offensive.

Remeber not the entire picture of a situation is made clear by someones short writings in a post.

So please dont be so quike in scalding somebody.

I think everybody would like an objective friendly opinion from an experienced herper, but nobody will listen to unfriendly remarks from anybody, even if what said is true or not.

Peace :) Out :lol:
playwell said:
Please no offence meant towards you, 8) but there is going to be a lot of people arching up about responses from you if you dont consider the tone used in your posts, some things you say may be deemed as rude/offensive.

Remeber not the entire picture of a situation is made clear by someones short writings in a post.

So please dont be so quike in scalding somebody.

I think everybody would like an objective friendly opinion from an experienced herper, but nobody will listen to unfriendly remarks from anybody, even if what said is true or not.

Well said PW :)
The Rock said:
I dont give a toss what anyone thinks of me, If they heve a problem Its theres not mine I couldnt care less.

Is that why you are always going on about how great you keep your snakes and it's the best way? Why would you say this if you don't care what people think?

Is that why you post in peoples threads " trying" to give them advice?
Why would you do this if you couldn't care less about peoples problems? Why should people listen to your advice if you don't care about it? Why would you bother joining a group like this if you don't like talking to people and helping them?
Is that why you post in peoples threads " trying" to give them advice?

It's not really advice, it's more "I've got one of those but mine's better" :lol: ;)
I have a children's that used to bite me every couple of seconds. I used to just hold my finger out and let him till he got bored and then put him back in his cage. He is now about 18months old and only bites very rarly. Yours is probably a bit bigger than my children's was at the time but if you go the welding glove option it might just work the same way.
He doesn't even stike at food, just sort of starts to suck it down.
I think the Rock rocks. He certainly make these discussions interesting.

Can I ask what other people's opinions are as to how often a snake should be handled?
BiteAndSqueeze said:
I think the Rock rocks. He certainly make these discussions interesting.

Can I ask what other people's opinions are as to how often a snake should be handled?

I really think its a matter of the individual time/patience etc. I really couldnt tell you how often I handle my lone snake. I come home and theres things to be done, like anyone else, I like to get her out sometimes while I watch telly etc, check her out, make sure alls well kinda thing.
Probably more often on weekends when I have more time time apart from cleaning etc.
Thats they joy of a non ven, personally imo, if your not wearing it as jewlery everywhere ya go, I really dont think they care much.
This would be a different matter for those who have alot of snakes, time being a bigger factor for them, their snakes are largly not handled and no doubt are happy enough that way.
However, the exibitors python that passes throuigh more hands daily than a hollywood starlette and lives a very long life in great condition, and remains placid, speaks volumes about tolerance to handling. :wink:
I only have the one snake, which is only a small Stimsons, and between myself and the children would probably get handled every second day, except for two days after feeding and shen shedding. Sometimes he could be out for an hour at a time just wrapped around a hand while we are sitting down.

He appears fine with this, and has never shown any signs of stress and has never even loked like striking at anybody. Is a great feeder, and has never once refused any food.
Snakes will not show stress untill they start getting sick from many types of stress related problems.

The vet that I have been using for some time now, used to work many years ago at some very popular Zoos. The Zoos had problems with their snakes devoping health problems from being over handled, causing stress.

Health issues may be as simple as developing canker, sists, refusing food, becoming snappy or becaming overly quiet.

One Zoo had to invest in 4 times the amount of pythons they already had, and needed to implement a roster for the snakes to reduce the stress on the animals.

The roster was made up so that not one snake would get handled for show/demonstration more than twice a week.

Since the roster was introduced, I have been told the general snakes well being has improved and very little problems now accur.

Now for my personal opion. I dont handle any of my snakes any more than 3 times a week. Usually I dont have to touch them at all and they do remain quiet when handled.

I guess on average during summer when they eat and poo alot, I will ony handle them to move them for cleaning.

I am sure if you ask an experienced breeder they will very rarely touch their snakes.

I dont think snakes like being handled at all, ever. Even the nice quiet ones will flinch if you just touch them softy as they sit in their enclosure and will struggle to get away if they have the chance.

In a whole, I love holding my pythons but I have many now so I share the handling among the ones I have no intension on breeding.
I am sure if you ask an experienced breeder they will very rarely touch their snakes.

I was under the impression that was because they generally have too many and too much to do in a day to handle them! Well that would be the bigger breeder's anyway I guess :p

Even the nice quiet ones will flinch if you just touch them softy as they sit in their enclosure and will struggle to get away if they have the chance.

I've actually met a few adult snakes that didn't even flinch at all when you touched them which I found quite amazing. Even my very placid little Diamond will at least move slowly away when you touch him but these guys weren't fussed in the least!

Just my 2's all I got ;)
Cant say I arse kiss to pro herpers, i stick up for good friends however.

You should see some of the emails I have sent to professional herpers.

Just like the rock i dont give a toss what people think of me ;)

Give us a kiss kenny babe
Hmmmm... I've read The Rock's post. Then I read it again.
I still can't see why some people have gotten their noses out of joint by his opinion. It was not overly aggressive or abusive. Just stating his opinion.

I've seen a lot worse by other members (yes, I'm looking at you Brodie)
Ah yes Greebo, your such a little angel yourself!
Rob joined this site because I strongly encouraged him to do so for these reasons. First I thought it was a good way for Rob to get the hang at using his new computer as up until now was totally useless with it and secondly I believed his experience would only add to the wealth of knowledge made available on this site by so many experienced breeders.
As for Robs perceived arrogance, If any body here were to meet Rob they would soon see how far from arrogant ( some times ignorant though )he really is, but how over the top passionate he is on many aspects on herpetology. I don?t always agree with Rob myself and we have had some wicked arguments over the smallest of things but through it all I can honestly say that Rob is indeed a top bloke and very good friend. I doubt any body after meeting Rob would not like him. I think Rob should how ever learn to mellow out a bit and perhaps be a little more tolerant to people who are clearly still gaining experience and perhaps should learn how to use some of the emotion symbols. Also if people really think that Rob cares what they think of him, then they are mistaken. This is a guy that has the most blessed life I have ever seen, Regular hot young chicks, enough money to do absolutely nothing, owns the most beautiful massive house. In fact he pisses me off.
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