Hatchie Advice Please

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Jul 25, 2010
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My son's diamond python hatchie never seems to come out of his hidey rock. He has had him for about two weeks & we have basically only seen him a few times & that's when my son has lifted his hidey rock off & taken him out.

He has fed once (about 4 days ago) on a weaner mouse but again he was straight back into his hidey rock & hasn't been out yet.

My husband bought my daughter a jungle python hatchie this week & he's exactly the same. He went into his hidey rock & hasn't been out since. He hasn't fed yet - we took his rock off & tried to give him a fuzzy mouse but he wasn't remotely interested.

Is it normal for little snakes to stay in their hidey places basically all the time?

Also how often should we be offering food?
Ive only had my diamond since last weekend so I figure mine is still settling in at the moment but Ill be interested to read the replies you get since mine is doing the same thing. Im VERY tempted to get a Jungle aswell at the moment, how are you going with it? are they as snappy as everyone says? lol
My 7 month Murray Darling (first snake) does the same thing. What I have found is that if I go into the room when it is dark with a red light torch (just covered with a couple of layers of red cellophane) I find her cruising around the tub I currently have her in. Also I leave her mouse outside the hide entrance just on dark and its gone about 60 seconds later.
Ive only had my diamond since last weekend so I figure mine is still settling in at the moment but Ill be interested to read the replies you get since mine is doing the same thing. Im VERY tempted to get a Jungle aswell at the moment, how are you going with it? are they as snappy as everyone says? lol
My daughter's (Atherton) Jungle baby is the most placid snake little thing - he is a sweetie.
thats what the little ones do, when they get older they will move around more.. its instincts when they are that small they have so many preditors so hide a lot to avoid being eaten.
oh thats good to know lol, Im on the look out at the moment for a Jungle but have been a little wary with all the comments about them being so snappy lol figured I would wait till I have a little more confidence with my new Diamond (my little Stimson is bombproof, never has even tried to tag me) I kind of figured maybe it was a natural behaviour for them Jamesbecker, glad to hear it is. My stimmie is quite confident with me but still spends most of its time tucked away under a rock lol.
hatchie snakes seem to sleep most of the time if you have branches to climb and room to climb one of my bredlis is always hiding but probably still settling in mostly they are active
thats what the little ones do, when they get older they will move around more.. its instincts when they are that small they have so many preditors so hide a lot to avoid being eaten.

I whole heartedly agree, little ones can be pretty disappointing if you are expecting them to be constantly on the move. they are like human babies, eat, sleep and poop and everything scares them so they hide a lot. They do get more curious and confident as the months pass and even nocturnal species will be seen roaming during daylight.
Our diamond python is about twice the size of the jungle python even though the jungle was born on 30/12/09 & the diamond was born on 27/2/10. Also we have noticed that the diamond seems to always have his tongue out but we have only seen the jungle stick out his tongue once very briefly. Does any of this sound like something to worry about?

We also tried to give the jungle a fuzzy & he just had no interest at all.
Our diamond python is about twice the size of the jungle python even though the jungle was born on 30/12/09 & the diamond was born on 27/2/10. Also we have noticed that the diamond seems to always have his tongue out but we have only seen the jungle stick out his tongue once very briefly. Does any of this sound like something to worry about?

We also tried to give the jungle a fuzzy & he just had no interest at all.
Size will vary with how well they feed. If jungle is a slow feeder, he'll grow slower. Be patient and give them time to settle in. Baby snakes are favourite food for many animals, so it's only natural for them to hide a lot. When bigger, they are less vulnerable, so more likely to go out. They are also mainly nocturnal, so will be more active at night.
do you have a perch in your enclosure if not ide definetely put one in not sure about jungles but diamonds love a perch to sit on that way you will know when he his hungry you will find they will use it especially at night time
The ambient temperature in Newcastle at the moment is such that the snake will chase heat. Probably the cave is warmer. To feed just place the food item in the cave enterance without moving the cave.
The ambient temperature in Newcastle at the moment is such that the snake will chase heat. Probably the cave is warmer. To feed just place the food item in the cave enterance without moving the cave.
I'll give it a try tonight. Thanks wokka :)
my hatchie jungle never goes in her hide ive got branches for her and she is always on them
once most mine eat they sleep till they poo, then theyre active again.

also for a couple of weeks before shedding they dont do much either,..
Do you have branches in the enclosures? hides at both hot and cold ends? remember they are nocturnal so they will come out at night, have you noticed them outside of their hide at night time? seems like natural behavior to me.
any pics?

For sure most of the carpet python relax in the same spot during the day. Does he do that at night too?
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