hatchy hasn't shed yet

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Pythons Rule

Very Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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Central QLD
hey everyone my only hatchy from last season is going on 4 weeks on monday and still hasn't shed or started showing signs of shedding. I change the wet paper or tissues etc and toilet roll hide every day and put it in a shallow luke warm bath seeing I didn't have a spray bottle. he is kept in the incubator only getting to 31 -32 degrees during the day and seams to be laying in his water dish more often for the last week. this is my first time with hatchies and breeding so I have heard that they take 2 weeks after hatching to shed but still nothing. do the lil ones get cloudy eye's like the bigger ones and go all washed out or do they not show and then just shed? curious on if I'm doing everything right or not..

When i read what you wrote it's saying to me that you still keep the hatchling in the incubator with the temps at 32.

Do you mean that is just the hot end, not the whole enclosure right. As like every snake they need that cool and hot end.
the doors always open so basicly its just like having it on a shelf with a heat cord, I don't have the heat cord on when its a hot day only if its raining at night. but yeah it's in a small container and half it's container is under the cord the other half is not
take the tub out of the incubator .
all hatchies need a cooler end and a warm end,
set up a tub with water bowl at cool end and hide at cool end, then have heat to 31c at other end ,they must be able to cool themselves down from the heat even if heats goes up to 33c or more .
the other end needs to be cooler,
stop keeping the whole tub moist , start feeding the hatchie , after a feed or 2 it will shed normally, some hatchies dont shed after hatching and need a feed or 2 to shed,
its not that important to wait for hatchies to shed before you try to feed them, its far more important they get a feed then sheding will happen,
if any reptile is in there water bowl often or constantly, the cage is way too hot ,
or they have mites , also dont touch hatchies , leave them alone , they will stress and refuse food just from looking at them or adjusting there tubs daily,
good luck
thanx heaps makes a hell of alot of sence cheers.

I did offer feed 2 weeks ago, I was keeping it moist cause of almost everyone saying to do so, I was getting worried thats all but I'll do that and see what happens.

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