I've never wanted kids. I'm warming to the idea of spending time with friends' kids now they're starting to have them, and a fair bit of both of my jobs involves interacting with kids, but I still don't want any of my own. I think I'd make an awesome dad, but honestly I've also never dated a guy that wouldn't take a traditional gender role leaving me as "mum" if we had children, my otherwise-awesome current partner included, and I know flat-out I just wouldn't cope with that. That said, you can absolutely still have a life with kids; I grew up in 7 different countries because of Dad's job, and loved it - got carted up the Himalayas whilst still in single digits, rode elephants, played with snakes, all because my parents didn't see why a child should restrict them from having adventures. They were both highly educated and also passed the love of learning on to me early. Not all parenting has to be like it is in the 'burbs. As for the dreadies and piercings; I'm alternative, as are most of my friends, many of them parents. They've never had any problems with being alternative folks (mind you, most of us live in the bohemian bits of Melbourne, so we're not exactly considered "weird") with kids. I find kids adore me because I look exotic ("Your hair is RED!!! Are you a fairy?") - generally if anything it's the more sheltered suburban/country folk that even notice my appearance, and make an issue of it ("You don't LOOK like a ship's rigger..."). Every parent I know says your own kids are completely different from anyone else's, and I can see that, but I just don't want to be a Mum. All my maternal feelings get channeled into my animals; I guess I'm a bit of a cliche like that. But I am looking forward to helping my friends with their kids, building cool things for them to play with, and making adventures for them. I'm also looking forward to being able to give them back at the end of it.
Nothing at all wrong with not wanting kids, or wanting kids, so long as whatever you do, you're doing what feels right. Good luck with whatever you decide; it sounds like a very difficult place to be in, and you've put your thoughts on the subject beautifully.