Heating Advice

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Bega, NSW
Hey folks!
It’s been a while
I inherited a orange pepper jungle jag recently and while healthy she some neurological stuff going on

She is not attempting to climb up the enclosure to the heat source and will just curl up at the bottom

He previous owner says she used to climb up her enclosure which was an upright one also

I’m planning on adding a shelf for her to rest on up closer to the heat source and thought of building a ladder for her to feel more comfortable with climbing

But if that isn’t what would suit her (kicking myself now for selling my old vertical enclosure that would have been perfect for her)
…what heating could I add down on the floor for her? The substrate is recycled paper kitty litter
What are my options (apart from the hot water bottle in a pillow case we gave her tonight)
Heat cord?
Heat rock?
Heat mat (had bad experiences with these)

Thanks everyone


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your enclosure needs more space... atleast 4ft x 2ft x however many feet high you want

make a heat cord tile.. stay away from heat rocks