Heating setup help please.

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hey ash if you decide to use heatcord i would suggest getting a peice of mdf and using a router to cut some grooves in it so your olive doesn't have direct contact with the cord. If it was me setting up that bank i would just get ceramic edison screw fittings from herpshop and some ceramic heat bulbs from ebay I would also fit a basic thermostat or alternatively buy a probe thermostat from herpshop
My dad is a builder, hence why i have such a nice enclosure haha.
I'll have to see what i can do.

And 'pythonking' I have a fitting there now, and im only using the top tank at th emoment and just want to know what size bulb to get in the first place haha, i dont want to spend heaps of money relying on stupid petshop workers advice to find out its the wrong watt and gradients not right etc.
and should that be a infared globe, a normal globe or what?
it will obviously need a light cage and what sort of thermostats are needed for globes?

and one last question, how long does the average globe last?
some blue globes will do herpshop has them :) and I would proabably just go a basic thermostat and get your dad to fit it. I use ceramic globes cause I find they last a bit longer but you have to keep checking them to make sure they are working.
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