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Not so new Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Hey everyone. I'm in love with snakes and am looking to buy one. Most likely a Children's Python. The only problem is I'm new to this so, I'm not quite sure of everything I need for a snake cage. Temperatures, size of cage, setup etc. Any info would be great. Thanks, Cheyenne. :)
if u get a hatchling then u can use a click clack while u get a bigger enclosure built, u will need a heat light a couple of hides a water bowl, and i would use newspaper or paper towel as a substrate
For a click clack all you need is a plastic container which is around 50cm by 30 cm (not sure on what that is in litres)that seals very well, melt quite a few holes in the sides and lid, put a heat mat under one quarter of it and a water bowl and a couple of hides. If you get a small cat or rodent water bowl with space underneath and some parts of the bottom which lift up it can double as a water bowl. Once this is done you are all ready for your baby. Oh and welcome to the hobby.
Thanks guys. Once it's an adult what size tank will i need because I've been told to get a 30 gallon but I'm not sure what measurements that is ?
youll only need a cage thats about half the length of the adult snake eg a four foot snake can live quite comfortably in a two foot cage
As chloe said, and you have several options for heating, light bulb, heat mat and heat cord. the click clack will give you plenty of time to learn more on here, check out your options and decide what you want for the future.
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Hey CheyenneBRo... And Welcome to APS... Whereabouts in Qld are you?

I agree with what everyone has written in regards to enclosure size... As Channi Said a Click Clack about 30X50 will do for quite sometime while it is small... Starmaid make a suitable container, it is a 20L one.. And Sells at Big W for around $10.... ( I Bought 30 of these for my hatchie Rack ).

Enjoy the Site... The site and the interent can be your best friend for information.... Just dont believe everything you get told on here... Everyone has their own opinions... :)
Oh thankss everyone :) I will look in Big W for that cage. I live in the Caboolture area. Does anyone know any good breeders in my area? And how much would a 2ft cage cost approx.
small cage

hi there...my suggestion is go straight to a 2 foot /60 cm fish tank, lf you are in caboolture, give Ed at Eds Fish Tanks a ring, they are so cheap [he works from home and is at the markets]....phone 5495 7442...he,s easy to get on with....cheers solar 17 [Baden]
my gosh!! a chick around the corner from me has the exact same name, and same spelling! but i doubt you are her haha as she doesnt want snakes. hows that aye, Cheyenne is an awesome name i reckon!
anyways just wanna say welcome to APS, ignore the losers, post up pics of your critters when you get them, and if they bite post up pics with LOTS of blood haha thats usually how it goes here ^_^
have fun!!

Nat ;) x
I went to petbarn today and looked at snake tanks. There is going to be 25% reptile stuff from the 12 Feb - 12 March so I'm getting a tank that was $210 for $158. Thanks for everyones help :)
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