Help - Advice Please!!!!

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Prolapses usually aren't too much of a problem, and infection from the suturing through the bowel is very rare indeed. The usual procedure is to push the bowel back into place with a cotton bud, estimate where the inserted end of the cotton bud is (it will have the bowel covering it inside the snake), and insert the suture through the side of the snake, through the replaced bowel tissue inside the snake, and then out through the other side, and tie it off underneath the belly or over the back. If they use dissolving stitches, they will come away of their own accord in a few weeks time.

This has happened a couple of times with SW Carpet babies when I used to breed them in Perth. Tim Oldfield in Wattle Grove was my vet of choice - knew what to do and we had no further trouble.

Thanks for the info pythoninfinite. We are using the Warnbro Vet that was suggested on this site as we live in the peel region.
First diagnosis and treatment wasn't the "snake vet" but the vet didn't even blink when handed cleo but this time it was the man himself so we are happy with her treatment so far.
Just heard back from Mrs Silatman.
Cleo is only a hatchie (6 months) so a cotton bud up the bum is not a possibility though, if they did I imagine you would see the first cross eyed snake!
Vet has resutured her and as we are going on holiday for a week in 4 weeks time he has advised not to feed her until after we get back as there will be no one willing to take her to a vet whilst we are away.
Luckily she has been a pig since we put her in her new enclosure and has nearly doubled her weight in under 4 weeks. 21 grams to 38 grams now so she will be ok.
Fingers crossed as the vet said that untreated she would have died.
Meant to ask too if it was a good idea or not to drop the temps by a degree or two as we cant feed her for 5 weeks,
just thought it might be nicer for her.
Also it turns out that the vet did push a cotton bud up her bum LOL
Pythoninfinite you were spot on in exactly what our vet did :)
Like I said, we are happy with the all the vets treatments and attention from the Warnbro vet.
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