HELP!!!!! Babies not emerging

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Not so new Member
Mar 17, 2013
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United States
This was my first year breeding Carpet Pythons. And both of my girls laid clutches. My 6ft jungle girl laid a beautiful clutch, and besides one going bad the first week they all hatched and I have 18 beautiful jungle babies. Yay.
Now, the problem is with my big 6ft coastal girl, she laid a very poor clutch. 12 slugs and only 6 good eggs. This Monday three of the six eggs hatched. These three babies are healthy and active. The other three did not, I gave them a little over 24 hours to pip on there own, then manually pipped them.
I gave them a few more days then snipped a section of the shell off to view the babies.
They are alive, and here it is Saturday and they still have not emerged.
They look like they may have some deformities :| as there chest area seems to be concave. They are still alive but just sitting there in the eggs.
I incubate at 88F, and I'm positive they did not get wet.
I have no idea what to do.
What could have caused this?
Has anyone else experienced this, and what did you do?
Should I remove them from the egg, Leave them, humanely euthanize them if they are deformed?
I hate that this happened, and will appreciate any help
Thank you.
Two points 1/ 88f = 31.1c so your temp. is/was spot on IMO 2/ l have had hatchies appear 7 - 10 days after the 1st. egg 3/ to put them down is a highly personal opinion, but probably easiest done at this stage solar 17 (Baden)
If the ones still in the egg emerge, see how they look. Perhaps the concave area will disappear when they begin to breathe. If they do not emerge and die in the egg, it is because they could not emerge. If they can't emerge, there is something very wrong with them. You have pipped the eggs, so they have the best chance of getting out and getting on with life. Like Baden, I would euthanise those with deformities (hard, but I think the best option).
Thanks guys for the imput, one emerged today a week after the healthy three pipped. He was severely deformed. So, I decided to pull the last two out. They were both deformed also. They had a concave chest and a kinked up body. All three's umbilical chord was wrapped around there abdomen, so I don't think they got all of the nutrients they needed.
The one who emerged on his own died right after coming out of the egg and the two I gently removed did too.
It looked like they had formed no internal organs.
Its sad but I really don't think there was anything I could do to save them.
That's sad MarlaChoodles, but I think you've done the very best you could given the circumstances. Cheers, Buzzy
Thanks Luvbuz, it was very upsetting as I was very excited about this clutch. She is a very unique coastal girl. At least i got three very healthy babies from her. And one little one that looks just like her.
I am glad I did not have to make the decision to euthanizes the ones who where deformed, nature took care of it in her own way. Because I am not so sure I could have done it.
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