HELP!! baby beardie not eating...

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Aug 20, 2008
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I have two baby beardies. not sure how old they are. about 10cm long. one is thriving the other is not eating. The big one eats crickets, but i have not seen the little one eat at all. we feed them crickets and vegies and pellets with the calcium powder. the temp in the tank is 25-30 degrees. the little one will get up and bask sometimes but mostly he sleeps. he is darker than the other.. we have a uvb light and a heat rock, they are in a small fish tank in the big enclosure. i have held the food up to his face and he just stays asleep. the light is on for the time it is light outside. i bought some meal worms to try and he didn't wake up. please help i wouldn't like to loose him.
First thing i would do is seperate the two lizards, then try and boost the basking temps to around 35 but i dont think this has much to do with it not eating as you said its 25-30. This happened to mine when they were younger, i just kept trying to feed everyday and they eventually started eating. But definatly seperate them if possible. Beardies live better lives housed alone in most cases. Hope this helps
have you tried to seperate them as the one that is eating the food may be a dominant beardy. i have had that problem before and seperating them helped, how long would you say it hasn't eaten for ?????
R you spraying them with water dailly also, to make sure they dont dehydrate? But I agree, seperate, increase hot spot temp. Their not on sand are they? If so, put on newspaper or paper towel.
there basking spot should be 40c, that is probably why one isn't eating.. heat rocks are bad also.
Yes, seperate them so the little one doesn't feel intimidated at eating time, up the basking spot temp to 35-40, spray or drop some water on his head and he will drink some. Make sure the crickets are dusted with calcium and maybe even try putting the crickets in freezer just for a short time to slow them down, not long enough to kill them. He may benefit from a soak in warm water. But he will definately benefit from a 15-20 mins bask outside in direct sunlight (with a shade option), natural sunlight is much more beneficial than a UV tube. The sunlight is especially good after he's got some calcium in him. Food with calcium + sunlight = increased appetite and activity. If he still doesn't eat the crickets on his own you may have to force feed him a few (with calcium) and then put out in sun. Hopefully he'll then start to pick up, then gradually stop the forcing and try help him work it out himself. Hope this helps.


Just wondering what type & brand of UVB light you were using? Is it a flourescent tube bulb or a compact or coil light?
Also, are you using a bright white basking light as well, or a colored one?

Thankyou everyone for your reply's. The little one has eaten a few crickets in the last few days, not many but we were actually cheering when we saw him eat. He is a little more active at the moment. We were able to get some smaller crickets and place them in there. We are actually spraying them with water all the time. He seems to like this. He is a little more active not much sleeping today, and seems to like licking the tomato that we give him.... I have thought of separating them but i don' t have another smaller enclosure. the bigger one is starting to climb on the cables of the heat rock so it won't be long until he comes out of the smaller one. I am using a coil compact uvb light 26 watt 10.0. if that makes any sense. Usually of a morining i come out and put the baby on the rock and it seems to warm up, i don't know if this is right but it seems to work. We will just keep plodding along, he is not getting smaller but not getting as big as the other one. Again thankyou for your replies.

aarrgghh,...heat rocks get hot spots and can cause burns,....heat is best coming from a bright heat light above.
(i'd advise u to unplug the heat rock,...leave it in as a decoration tho)

basking temps should be 40-45 for optimal digestion.

once the size difference becomes too great the big one will most likely eat the other one or start biting its limbs off, you'd be best to seperate them or give one away before that happens.

tomato isnt great dragon food,...fro salads go with leafy greens, minunza, rocket, bok choy clover, dandelion, carrot tops etc. (green beans, butternut pumpkin, peas, carrots)

NOT SPINACH as it hinders the absorption of calcium.

if the little one starts getting weak soak some beardy pellets in hot water, mush them up and feed with a syringe, he should start licking it off his nose once he tastes it.

good luck with ur babies! :)
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