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Not so new Member
Sep 28, 2008
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my freind beardie has turned black it about 8cm long and its acting normal hes had them for a week and its still eating crickets and bannana:(:(:(
We is your friend (location, someone might be able to take a look). What substrate is it on, what has it been fed (size), what temps is it at etc etc etc etc etc.
If it's eating then I guess it's OK. They do go dark though when cooler
Cage size and setup?
How often has he been handling it?
What size food has it been feeding on?
Is it only fed bananas or greens aswell? (bananas will give it diarrhea if given too much)
What substrate (flooring) is in the enclosure?
Has it gone black or a off white greyish colour? (best i can describe it, thats how they go before shed)

You need to give that information for someone to give you an idea of whats going on.
They can go dark when cooler, but they also go dark when basking sometimes.
Banana? good to see their trying to stick with a natural diet..... but seriously, high sugar fruits arn't the best things to feed lizards.. stick to leafy greens and insects. 8cm.. how old is it? a month ?
d no how old but its living with its brother in a 2 by 1 ft cage and feeding on just bannana andjust started on crickets black not gray ther centrals and we live in melb


While it is good to have a natural diet, bananas are high in phosphorus which can bind calcium absorption so they should only be fed ocassionally. Their blood sugar is naturally high so fruit is really only recommended a few times per week, at the most.
Is your tank setup correct, such as the UVB lighting & the temperatures? What are the temps measured at?

Sounds normal to me....bearded dragons will change colour all the time, depends on moods, heat , if it was sick it wouldnt eat.
if its getting harrased by the other male he will change color as to not show dominance usually a lighter shade greyish.
if he is eating fine ,active and basking, then there probably isnt a problem.
if his beard / throat has gone blackish then he is up for a girlfriend and ready to go.
if you remove the tankmate does he change again?
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