Help! My diamond's head is making little jerking movements

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Active Member
May 29, 2008
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My diamond's head is making little jerking movements every now and then.

The best thing for me to describe the movement is that it looks like a dog's hind legs when the dog has tics.

Friday I demited the enclosure (TOD) and the snake (spray from petshop, forget which).

I also pulled two tics out of another snake in his enclosure Friday.

I've checked this snake and can't see any.

Any other ideas?
Come on guys!

I don't really know mate, never experienced anything like that so I won't be much help. The only things I can think of that may have caused the head twitching are ticks, the TOD, or OPMV.

If no-one else replies, get him to the vet ASAP.
Could be alot of things.... anything from a mild neuro condition (caused by any number of factors), DPS, to OPMV or IBD. If your really concerned, take it to a vet and have it sussed out, no-one can really diagnose random head wobbles over the net. Those are just a list of obscure possibilities, nothing concrete, could be nothing at all.
What is OPMV and IBD? Diamond Python Syndrome I'm aware of but this snake doesn't appear old enough for that. Should check him again this afternoon and if it is still happening it might be snake number 2 at the vet <shakes head and mutters to self>
Could be anything....take it to the vet....Mike Cannon from Cannon and Ball in Wollongong would be your best bet.
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