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if you go back to the first page of 'herp help' up the top theres a little button that says 'new thread' its pretty small but its there ;)
snakes stike, its natural. some will never change.
in saying this, there is a few things that could be urging its behaviour.
firstly , no perfume or fragrant deodorant. try a nil odour antipersporant on the days you want to handle it.
creams lotions etc, out.
always use your hand cleaner prior to handling as well as after.
with some of mine i spray my hands and forearms with the cage cleaner and wipe it off, so they have nothing to get excited over.
i do find the spotteds more lively than the other smaller pythons, you will get use to handling it as it grows , you will grow too.
alot of people have great spotteds but they are like people their personalities are different.
the upside is that, getting use to a python like that teaches you mannerisms and also will make it alot easier to read other pythons. so in the future when you decide to get a bigger one (there is always your next one ) you will recognise a excellent handler.
good for you. thats what we are hear for , learning.

you bought a python not a worm. ;)
oh ok, yep I can do that. she's sleeping peacefully at the moment on a branch near the heat lamp but when she is on the move again Ill put her back into the smaller container again.

Before you put her back in a smaller container, try the stuff that other people have suggested - especially leaving her alone for a week or so. Also, put some hides in the large enclosure - at least one at the warm end, one at the cool end and, in an enclosure that big (which I think is great), maybe one or two more in medium temp areas. (You'll need the hides when she gets bigger, anyway.)

My 7-month old 33 cm long stimmie is in a largish enclosure (74x46x46cm) and isn't aggressive. But there are certain times in his feeding and shedding cycle when he spends lots of time in a hide (and I respect that and leave him alone) and other times when he is all over the enclosure a lot.
lol Im glad you said that actually because she is on the move and looks very calm climbing round the place, I didnt really want to lock her back in the little box :S lol but I am prepared to do whatever I need to to ensure she feels safe. I am in the process of making some new hides for her which will be better then the ones she has now, (Im following some instructions I found on this site and they are looking great (two little tree stumps) but want to keep them out in the air for a week or so before i put them in her cage) she has got four hides in there at the moment though, two on the middle level and two on the 'ground floor' lol Im going to slowly add more things to her enclosure until it is finally at a stage where it looks something like i have taken a bit of nature and put it in a tank lol.
Thanks so much for the fantastic advice people, I will cover up the glass for a few days aswell as leaving her alone for at least a week and see if that helps to. This is such a great site! she does have plenty of hides but the cage is ALOT bigger then what she was in at the pet shop! hence it would make sense that its freaking her out. Thanks again for the help people I really appreciate it, Im sure Eve appreciates it even more ;) lol
put your smaller enclosure inside the larger one if possible then introduce slowly might help settle it down a bit we have a spotted we nick named snappy tom cage defensive but when out he's great leave him alone a couple weeks and increase feed size as has been recomended by other's on how big to feed so I won't go into that again, as too big an enclosure can stress them out as well Okay thats my rant welcome to the addiction of all things reptile Cheers
lol it is a bit of an addiction isnt it, im already thinking it would be really easy to build an extention of another tank on top of hers.... hehehe I could even split her tank into two as well.... lol they are such fascinating creatures and so relaxing to watch. Not that I will be getting anymore until I am confident handling her even if she stays snappy forever! Im actually thinking of feeding her another pinkie tomorrow just to top her up, as her last feed was three days ago, then moving up to something more suitable for her next proper feed. Or should I just give her a few more days and go straight to 'furries'? (im not up on the names they are called yet lol) she is about 60 cm long. Ive been looking up a lot more stuff since i started this thread and i cant believe the pet shop still had her on pinkies anyway! then again this is the same pet shop that said they would do a 'personality test' on her so I guess i shouldnt be to suprised.
lmao Im sure Eve's answer to that if i took her in tomorrow like they want would be EVERYTHING! poor little girl. Fancy asking me to move her again and put her through bieng poked and proded by more people, I can see how THAT would calm her down!!! Actually I had visions of them poking her with a fake hand while shes eating like they do on that RSPCA show on tv to test a dogs temprament lmao
lmao probably, think I have learnt my lesson though, I will be finding a proper breeder who knows what the hell they are talking about for my next snake!
i would definitely go through a private breeder over a pet shop. just a lot cheaper and a decent breeder will offer you on going support.
Don't give up on your spotted though. Both of my spotteds are little angels, you just have to learn how to read their body language. for instance, my male spotted doesn't like it if you put your hand in his enclosure. but if i leave the lid open he will crawl out to me.
so do try putting the snake back in the little enclosure. because as nice as it may look to put them in a huge one it can stress them out. my spotted didn't like going in a 50L tub, so i had to down grade to a 30L and now he's happy as Larry. He is a snake that never strikes or bites, and when he was in the big tub he was just too scared and struck at me once. and he is 2 feet long and 18 months old and he didn't like a 2 foot long enclosure. Imagine how scared your little one is!!!!

this should help you out if you don't still have her old enclosure
You could keep her in the tank, but provide lots of hides, as well as covering the glass for a while. Good luck and don't give up yet!!
my yearling spotted was a little snappy , but she is getting better and better every time i handle her [ about twice a week] . get biten and get it over with , then move on to your next fear [ realising u are addicted to reptiles] only cure for that is to buy more lol
lol this is such a fantastic site, I am very grateful for all the advice I have been given. I have decided to try covering the glass, and adding more hides first and I am going to upgrade her food and feed her tomorrow. If the covering of the glass and adding more hides doesnt work I will put her back in the smaller tank and try that. I will not give up on her, I understand that as with most animals its more likely to be me doing something wrong rather then her just bieng evil lol. What better way to get over your fear of getting bitten then to have a snappy snake hey! lol. And yes Zoo, lol I now want to breed blue tongues as when we moved onto our property there were alot of them and now five years later there are none :( I saw a great outdoor enclosure on here last night and Im making plans already! (I have had some expierance in handling them through wildcare though so Im not quite as new to them as I am to snakes, still lots to look up and learn before I start anything though!) geeees who'd have thought getting one snake would lead to such a passion!
Amy WOW thats awesome your guide to making a little tub! Im actually wishing I hadnt seen it... how easy it would be to get another snake now..... lmao ;) thank you, Im off to bunnings this arvo for a soldering iron!
hahahaha! thats not why i gave it to you!!! damn myself. lol. but its so easy to keep the snakes. i have 9 all in tubs at the moment and i'm getting some enclosures ready. but its just too easy with them all in tubs and it barely takes up any room. so i'm trying to convince mum on some jungles but not going so well at the moment.
if you want another snake, i would suggest a bigger one if you're feeling brave!! lol. my coastal, Black headed python and olive are friendlier than my little childrens, so thats a plus!! but have a look around on the for sale section here and you'll find something you love no doubt!!
lol its ok I dont need much encouragement really, right now I am looking up frogs as I built a tank years ago but failed at every attempt to get hold of any frogs!! (wasnt looking in the right places!) Im also researching bulding an outdoor bluey enclosure and Ive fallen in love with a python Ive just seen on a thread on here lol. but Ive sworn to myself no more snakes till I am confident handling Eve.... then again Ive also just read a huge thread saying that you CAN keep two snakes together as long as they are the same species and the same size so another spotted could be joining my family at some stage as well lmao
One thing on here that really gets to me is when nearly every one says to put it back in a little clik clack (as this is the correct thing to do) but people all ways try something different first like just adding a few hides and stuff.
Just put the snake in a click clack and leave it in there for a few weeks then after you offer it a feed and wate another week up grade it to a 40 little tub and that can be its home for a year or so. This is the best way to go about it. Its not cruel or inhumane its the best thing you can do.
If you where to ask any EXSPERIENCED herper on here they would all tell you the same thing

Cheers Lewy
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awww really? ok Lewy. I really do want to make sure im doing the right thing by her and it does seem the majority of people have said to put her into a click clack. I will take her out the big tank this afternoon, feed her (A more appropiate meal then she has been getting!) and put her into a smaller tank again. But does that mean she will never be able to use the big tank? couldnt I keep upgrading the container size until she is comfortable free in the actual tank? otherwise Im going to have space for a few more click clacks in that big tank lol
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