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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
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G'day everyone
so i am in a bit of a pickle but basically i have a friend who owns a coastal python who has hard out mites, and is looking really thin (and i mean really thin) he told me it has not eaten in about 6 months i can c the mites running all on his body (there are alot).. He has told me i can have him so i am picking him up tomorrow i have a tank fully bear with just paper in it ready for him with a heat lamp i got some mite spray from the local petshop today aswell, so is there anything else i need to do? I know i prob might get a roasting from some of u for not properly bein prepared but i didnt know what to do the snake looks horrible and IMO needs to be saved so i just said yup ill def take him.
Some more info dunno if it will help but the snake is about 3ms long (big bugga) pretty dosile as far as i know hes had it for a couple of years, his skin is really loose (he reckons it just refused to eat) well um any help would be great like suggestions, am i doin the right thing taking it from him? oh i have also put the cage on the other side of the house way away from the rest of my snakes ?
again any help would be great thnx
Damn straight you're doing the right thing: I'd let him rest a day or so and offer small food regularly. Feed him up slow and keep the heat up, otherwise it sounds like you're pretty damn prepared for expecting a roasting.
of course you should take him, if i were you tho id fix the mite problem before he entered my front door, it would be disasterous if u introduced mites into ur collection,...and i dont think being on the other side of the house would stop them,..

also, if its in dubious health be very strict in quarantining it fro 12 or so months, i wouldnt take the cage its in either,....

cant see why you would get roasted, its very nice of you to help the poor critter out, of luck! :p
Good for you dukyboi, hope it goes well for you :D
Poor thing has to be better off with someone who cares looking after it.
Looks like you might be getting some good advice too ;)
Thanx everyone well yea i was a bit hesitant to bring it home with other snakes but wen i seen the poor thing my heart just dropped and i couldnt help it so im hoping i can get it up to scratch and back to a happy and healthy environment

thanx again any1
Yes mate deal with the mites before you take him, could be an idea to do that soon . It is a good thing you are doing for the animal, once it is clean and kept in correct conditions it's appetite will return. Good luck with that rescue.

Dont forget Quaranteen the snake away from any other reptiles...Then treat for mites,IMO i would repeat the process a couple times to make sure there all removed..As mentioned once its going good and has heat it should resume feeding again,by the sound of it i would feed every 7days or so until it starts getting some weight on..
I'd rather flame your 'friend' rather than you,. I think most of us would do the exact same thing as you are doing. you have the mite spray, heat etc sorted by the sound of it.
given the size of him i'd say you're putting him into a decent size enclosure. so see if you can find an 'oversize' kitty litter tray, a nice deep one, even a large storage tub, that way he can soak (at least parts of him LOL) when he gets irritated and can drown them in the process.

Do you have any other Morelia in your collection ? (do you know what temps etc he will need ?)

post some pics when you get chance. it will be nice to look back on some 'before and after' shots
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