HELP! RBB in need

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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Bilpin NSW
Hey guys, we have a huge issue. We've called our reptile vet and WIRES but don't think anyone can make it out to us in time. We found a small RBB caught in bird netting in our vege garden. We've managed to cut the netting around it and put it into a tub. If it had of stayed the way it was it surely would have died and really quickly too. It's head is now free but it's body is still really tangled.

Is there anyone with the experience needed around blue mountains/Richmond area? We're in Bilpin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please phone 0420466567 if you can help.

WOW your just up the hill from me. Sorry i couldnt be of assistance tho..
still need some help tho lol even a vet that is familiar with reptiles would be good
is it possible to hold the snakes head and gently cut the netting thats holding him in, may cause alot of stress but i say by now hes stressed out alot.
Call the local snake catcher, it might cost some $$ though.
Is the net strangling him at all, or just very tangled? If it doesn't appear to be cutting him just leave him be until you can find someone to help you. Don't put him on heat. He is best being cool so he is less active. Cover him and place him in a dark, low traffic area of your house and just leave him until you can get help. That is the best you can do for him.

If you aren't familiar with handling venomous snakes I would not suggest you attempt to grab his head incase you slip and scratch yourself over his fangs. You have done a great job, now leave him to settle until WIRES can pick him up. And it is probably best that he is covered with a pillow case and contained in an escape proof container with air holes that can be secured closed.


Our vet just contacted us and said she's going to try and get someone from wires to pick it up and take it to her.
Awww poor little sweet thing :( I am only guessing from photo but the netting doesn't seem to be hurting him. So leave him now, till WIRES contacts you.
The photo doesn't show the worst of it. There's a part down towards its tail that is cutting into it and there seems to be a small spot of blood.

Luckily we had a tub ready and waiting for it. My mum wasn't keen on rescuing it. But as we've got our own reptiles we felt sorry for it and just had to help.

We'll be leaving it alone until we hear more from our vet.
Aww the poor little thing :( glad the people from wires are coming you did a great job saving him :)
i would be grabbing it by the base of its head and slowly cutting away the net , once its free put it back in the tub with some water and wait for wires to come
That's great news Lonewolf. You did a great job and now he is still in good hands.

Kupper you cannot advise that sort of stuff with a dangerous animal. Not everybody has the confidence that you obviously do, which is great, to handle these animals. Lonewolf did the right thing settling it into a tub and leaving it alone until an experienced carer came to pick it up. Your stress, worrying about being bitten, adds to the stress of the snake which would only have him wriggling and making the net tighter. When you don't know the experience level of reptile-keepers here IMO you should never encourage them to handle venomous snakes.
Sorry i only just read this otherwise i would have come and got him. Glad u found someone to help, well done .
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