Very Well-Known Member
Please keep us informed.
I've had a few do this like one of my bhp's did this with the other after feed time, I had a situation with exsploding rats but I did wash the snake after and it must of still smelt like it. I stoped keeping them together after that but I just reached in and grabed both put them in container of water and dunct the boddy of the other with the other head submerged he adventually let go for air. I then washed the one that got attacked few blood spots but he was ok. I've also had my big girl do it to herself but she let go as soon as she realised.
good luck maybe run him under the shower or dunk it under the water
Good reason for not housing any snakes together.
Sometimes you learn the hard way, sometimes you just get the biggest fright and hopefully learn from that.
But there is always the person that cannot be told.