Very Well-Known Member
Er what :?
Lol :lol:
Dougie just stick them in a container with moist vermiculite and place them in a warm room somewhere between 26 - 29 degrees , they should be fine until you can get an incubator.
Er what :?
umm, aquariium heater melted my carpet and almost burnt my flat down when my stupid boyfriend put it on the floor without turning it off,..
dont people use heat cord for that?
Definatley recommended but by the sounds of it he doesn't have one available, would strongly suggest getting one over using an aquarium heater though.
Well that was slightly hypocritical.Well then don't make a comment if you can't help!
Oh and thats a picture of it-(Note mine, its the dudes who made the incubator for his, i am using it as example
Here is what i was thinking to use :
It consists of: A foam box, which an be obtained from a restaurant or school canteen, an aquarium heater, set to 28 degrees celsius - always have a backup in case this one fails, a thermometer (CHECK THE TEMP AT LEAST ONCE A DAY), i used a floating thermometer used in fish tanks, a plastic container, in here goes the mix.
so in the time being, i got a tuppawear tub, put some holes in the lid