Help w/black headed python

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New Member
Nov 2, 2006
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Im new to the python owning business, and I got my little girl from URS in SA, great healthy little thing, active, etc. She is about 60cm long, what size food should I be feeding her, pinkies etc, and how much ventalation should her enclosure have.....
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if you aren't sure what to feed her give tim a call back and see what he was feeding her before you picked her up.

The advice some people give you may be a bit of the mark, too big and you can do damage to your snake.

I work on 10% of the snakes body weight every 7-10 days.

Do you have a enclosure or tub setup for her now? maybe throw up a photo so we can have a look at the ventillation.
I built an enclsure, Ill post some pictures tonight, I dont want to feel like an idiot asking questions, but its the only way I am going to learn.
only an idiot if you don't ask. if you have a few vents in the enclosure you should be right. there is no exact science to it.
my bhp is roughly that size i guess, n im feeding him fuzzy rats every week or so
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