Help with DECCW Python

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Jul 25, 2010
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Picked up our new Coastal Carpet python today that we won in the DECCW ballot & I just have a few questions that I need some help & advice with.

He/she is a gorgeous placid snake & seems to be very used to being handled which is great. Atm we have him in a 30L click clack until we get back home from Wollongong to Newcastle. As he is about 2 metres long it's a bit of a tight fit.

He seems to be laying in his water bowl a little bit - is this likely a sign of mites? We were thinking about giving him a warm bath - what do you think - good or bad idea??

He is also very cold & we don't have any of our herp equipment here with us, so what can I do in the short term to get him on some heat? He was FREEZING when we picked him up today from DECCW & so I am thinking maybe a hot water bottle, normal lamp or maybe an electric blanket under half the click clack for warmth? If I have to then I'll get another heat mat but won't be able to get one till tomorrow morning. Any suggestions appreciated.
It will be fine being cold for a while.
As long as it doesnt have a feed in it.

It might be sitting in the water because of mites. Or the water might be the warmest part of the tub.

Are you driving home with it now? Its in the car with you?
I dont quite understand your situation.

Also, all three of your suggestions would be fine for getting some heat into it.
Hi MM,
your biggest concern is now quarantine.
I know you have recently bought herps, and bringing this one home is now a major quarantine issue. Keep it as far away from your others as possible and always tend to it last after the others. Treat it for mite regardless, mite is a possible vector for much worse disease and if it was a surrendered or confiscated animal then who knows what condition it was kept in. 13 months is now the recommended quarantine period.
We picked him/her up today from DECCW in Hurstville & brought him back to where we are staying (my parents house). We are not going back home till Saturday so we need something to warm him up for the next 4-5 days.

I have put a bright desk lamp over the click clack to get at least a bit of heat into the tank. Think I might take a drive to the 24 hour Kmart & buy him a bigger plastic enclosure till we go home as the 30L one is tiny in comparison to him.
Hi MM,
your biggest concern is now quarantine.
I know you have recently bought herps, and bringing this one home is now a major quarantine issue. Keep it as far away from your others as possible and always tend to it last after the others. Treat it for mite regardless, mite is a possible vector for much worse disease and if it was a surrendered or confiscated animal then who knows what condition it was kept in. 13 months is now the recommended quarantine period.
What is the best way to treat for mites in reptiles? I will definately keep them separate & the hand sanitiser protocol we are adapting for all of our snakes - just to be doubly careful. The DECCW told us that he was confiscated as the guy was unlicensed, but that he had been well looked after & the snake itself was in excellent condition (so that's a plus) - he certainly looks well fed anyway!
There are a few ways and they all have their pros and cons.
I have used somethings that others would never touch, but if mixed correctly and done properly it works great. I have also had good result with Top of Descent. Just read and follow the instructions and if your going to err do it on the weak side. Take out the water bowl. From memory, use it two or three times over a period of 4 -6 weeks to break the cycle
Mites are easy to kill, they drown easily, make sure you wash or soak your clothing that you have worn while handling, the mite can spread easily they are so small.
One indicator of mite is the snake will soak in the water bowl.
Do some searching here there are some good threads on the subject.
Its been years since I had to treat any animals now.
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