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Not so new Member
Jun 9, 2008
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my spotted python is sneezing and blowing out bobbles:?. we are gonna take her to the vet tomorrow but does anyone know the average cost:|???

and what do you think is wrong with her??
Sound like you have a fairly heavy RI,
Vet attention is needed ASAP as it could prove
Basicly cost shouldnt matter as its a health problem and it needs to be dealt with
she's going to the vet tomorrow but I would like to know what i'm in for....
unfortunatly when you purchase an animal you take on the cost of caring for them, you should not be so worried about the cost and be more worried about the infection - like beeman said if it is RI it can be fatal and by the sounds of it your spotted sounds bad. Is there no way to get to the vet today? - after hours emergency?. Vets are not cheap so dont expect it to not be expensive especially if she is bad.

she's going to the vet tomorrow but I would like to know what i'm in for....

your in for a rough patch - never mind about the money as a snakes life is worth it!

I should add that most vets will let you pay your bill bit by bit so its not one huge lump sum
wow wish you were up here our vet aint that cheap hahaha:D

lol my work charges $ 48 bucks for reptiles, birds and exotics, and drugs dont cost much for animals that weigh very little.

usually ends up beign abotu $70 for 10days ab's and the consult
In the mean time check your temps' and keep it on constant heat (around 32c) to help fight the i nfection till you get to the vet tomorrow. Some vets work on a payment plan if your strapped for cash. (not saying you are just pointing that out).
lol my work charges $ 48 bucks for reptiles, birds and exotics, and drugs dont cost much for animals that weigh very little.

usually ends up beign abotu $70 for 10days ab's and the consult

Wow - that's pretty good, I guess every clinic is different hey. Although I must admit that I took my Quaker to the vet with both her ears bleeding and he had no idea what was wrong - gave her a shot of antibiotics cleaned her ears out a bit and said that I would know more about it than him and told me to care for her(this was at 9pm by the way) and he did not charge me for any of it - maybe cause he didn't know what was wrong or because he felt sorry for me crying my eyes out hahah.
Don't get me wrong I really worried about her, she's a lovely snake. and She will go to the vet no matter the cost.

those prices don't sound to bad, what do think her chances are?
Im not sure what her chances are but I think if you keep her warm and get her to the vet early tomorrow she will have the best chance at getting better.
Keep us posted as to how she is doing, poor snakey.
I've put her heat mat and heat log in the enclouser, so I hope that will keep her warm enough.
I've put her heat mat and heat log in the enclouser, so I hope that will keep her warm enough.

are you heading to a reptile vet, if not then if the antibiotics dont seem to be working get a fecal smear looked at for protazoans
Not even sure what vet yet as they are closed today. but we will ring around and see if they have any experince with reptiles and stuff.
what area are you? im sure someone on here can point you in the right direction
Yes, definitely sounds like an RI. Keep her really warm (33-35C) 24/7 until you get her to a vet. Hope she'll be okay.
I took her to the vet at 8:00, she has a RI and is on antibatoics, the cost was $68 which I throught was great.
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